Squadron Standing Orders

Would someone be so kind as to post a copy of their squadron’s standing orders for me to butcher for my own use?

If it could be emailed it would be great.

If no-one can help, can you help with what should be included? I haven’t seen a SSO for years, and I can’t remember what should be on there.


Ok if no one is willing give - could you help out as to what should be on there?

From the ones I’ve seen (I don’t have a copy to send), they tend to include things like instructions for opening and closing buildings, parade night times, staff roles, local uniform rules (eg. flight tabs), canteen procedures, etc.

Ben a long time since I’ve seen some but would they not just follow the same line as Wing Routine Orders?
And to add to what Jacques said, welcome to new cadets/staff, the promotions since the last issue, maybe other awards people have received?

Those would be Squadron Routine Orders (which like our WROs will no doubt be mostly pointless and a duplication of info already posted in CROs)

Squadron Standing Orders would be a document along the lines of what jacques has explained, laying out how a squadron runs on a day-to-day basis and what is expected of people.

As for them being a requirement, are they really?

I have found them useful on a number of occasions when cadets transgress from the rules (i.e. you can put something in about mobile phones). It stops them coming back and saying they had never been told, as I periodically make a point about reading SSOs.

As for headings, something along the lines of;

General: Outline purpose of SSOs
Squadron location: postal address
Parade nights: Normal opening times of premises
Compliments: How/when you expect compliments to be paid on squadron premises
Identification: Cadets carry 3822, Staff carry MOD90 or equivalent
Dress: Worn in accordance with regs, standard working dress is XXX, when you expect headdress worn, what to wear travelling to/from duty, etc etc.
Discipline: Who responsible for maintaining discipline, chain of command for grievances.
Smoking: Whatever your rules are
Accidents: Where or to whom accidents are reported
Roll call/Registers: Who is responsible for keeping track of who is in/out
Late arrival/early departure procedure.
Mobile phones…
Fire precautions: Just a note that says all pers should be familiar with fire precautions
Security: All pers responsible for security and actions on someone you don’t recognise.
Subscriptions: How much and when.

Just some ideas as to headings. Like I said, they become useful in pointing cadets in the right direction with regards to some of the rules they may try and bend because they perceive them as ‘unwritten’.

[quote=“incubus” post=23097]
As for them being a requirement, are they really?[/quote]

Not really, but we’re just trying to streamline things on the squadron for reasons as stated by Green Monkey.

It’s also going to be part of a new recruit pack that we’re in the process of making up. (as well as issued to those current members of the sqn.)

One method which works. Just search ‘Squadon Standing Orders’ on sharepoint. I found a few examples straight away.

[quote=“Jonay1990” post=23109][quote=“incubus” post=23097]
As for them being a requirement, are they really?[/quote]

Not really, but we’re just trying to streamline things on the squadron for reasons as stated by Green Monkey.

It’s also going to be part of a new recruit pack that we’re in the process of making up. (as well as issued to those current members of the sqn.)[/quote]

You are welcome to a copy of mine; PM me an email.

Pm your email address and I’ll send you ours

They all seem to be Squadron Security Standing Orders - which isn’t what I’m looking for but thanks for pointing it out.

I have a copy that I should be able to dig out, if you PM me an email address.