Sqn merch female equivalent (non uniform)

Hi all,
My Sqn is considering producing ties for cadets, staff to buy and wear outside of Sqn as merc as such (subtle not obviously advertising the Sqn), but are struggling to come up with a female/non binary alternative, any suggestions I’m stuck. I know the standard offer seems to be a pin badge but I always feel a bit of a cop out. I will be asking the Cadets for their views but keen for the views of others.

JL used to have this issue with the ties. They had scarves I think at one point, air hostess styley. Still not great.

A hoodie? I would’ve thought that would be more widely used than a tie outside of Cadet events.

When would a Cadet wear a Cadet tie outside of a Cadet setting?

Places where people wear ties… sixth form, college, work, job interview, the dock, hatches, matches, dispatches etc.


My old Squadron used to have cravats for females.

Not a wearable item, but challenge coins

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Thanks for the suggestions,

I’ve not come across challenge coins before I’ll look into it.

I should have said, already have hoodies, t shirts etc.

Ties will be used for those at the nearby 6th form, job interviews, formal events etc as has been suggested. It seems quite set that we’ll get ties. I just really do wish there was an easy female equivalent.

I mentioned pin badges, perhaps a bigger broach might work.

Warm scarfs could work but obviously that can be for anyone so still the blokes get something extra, obviously nothing to stop girls getting a tie but I’ve not worn a tie since school, except for Cadets. Not sure a floaty scarf would work. I quite like the idea of a headscarf (think the Queen’s Hermes ones but obviously not Hermes) but I can’t pull them off!

I’m not sure I like cravats. I Googled them to remind myself what they looked like and it came up with men’s ones which I liked but less so the women’s, is there a difference or is it just the photos?

Any more suggestions welcome.

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Maybe it’s just me but I wouldn’t wear a Cadet tie for job interviews etc (if I had one at the time).

Maybe up to this point my school and work life have been quite informal. My sixth form was non-uniform and I wore a Hawaiian shirt today to work (I work in a lab).

It’s just you.


I still wear my old Sqn tie at work, though I guess it does depend on the design as to when you’d wear it

In honour of this thread, I’m wearing my JL IX tie tonight to a drinks thing at work with the chair of the Bar.

It is hideous though.


The tie or the event :joy::joy::joy:

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The tie, the chat was interesting

Women can wear ties too

Shh. Next they’ll be asking for the vote

Yes, they can, but my concern in giving a woman a tie is that I would be treating them equally, but perhaps not equitably?

I don’t think it would be fair to give them something they will hardly ever wear (because that is the reality of women’s fashion) and would arguably be indirectly discriminatory?


I am aware of that and I’m not saying they wouldn’t be allowed to get the ties if they wanted to but many, myself included, would not want to wear a tie.

Same for the gents too. There are 3 occasions I wear a tie.

  • cadets
  • weddings
  • funerals