Sqn Aerospace officer

Another question for those of you in the know, can a squadron have a designated Aerospace Officer, and if so, are they able to claim an “aersopace.xxxx@rafac.mod.gov.uk” email address/role account on Bader, for administration/comms purposes?


Yes they can have one. No the account doesn’t exist.

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But not once units comes out.
Any made up role titles beyond those prescribed in units will be got rid of.

Sqns can of course continue to call people what they want. It just wont have any meaning in Corps reality.

Are the prescribed ones just OC, Adj, and TrgOff?

Those and…

SNCO - SNCO.1234@
Chair (CivCom Chair) - Chair.1234@
Treasurer (CivCom treasurer) - treasurer.1234@
Sqn Generic Account - 1234@


You should be able to access everything you need using your personal account credentials.


Aerospace & Shooting are 2 key elements for RAFAC - I demand my 2 separate email addresses! :wink:


Ok - stump up the cash and you can have them :slight_smile:

BOGOF? :smile:

Well, they’d be mailboxes not licenses, so…

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