Spelling on Certificates

I was awarded 3 certificates a few parade nights ago, and they’ve managed to spell my sqn name wrong 3 times on two of them.

The first was a First Class certificate. The second was a bronze St. John’s Ambulance First Aid - where they spelt my sqn name wrong in two different ways!

I was just wondering if anyone knew who was responsible for filling in these certificates? For example, are St John’s themselves responsible for the first aid certificates? I was just curious, as it made me laugh a bit when I first noticed. Thanks

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Who ever filled in the request for them.

They literally copy and paste it off the request form or use the mail merge function

Ok cool.

Yup. It’s your squadron staff for the 1st class and whoever did the first aid course admin. I’ve had some interesting certificates come back where they have put “MYSCHOOL” CCF Squadron because the cut and paste matrix they use doesn’t always recognise the existence of CCF. Got fed up of getting instructor cadet or radio certificates players with ATC logos that we’ve started making our own.

So I’ve got my sqn staff to blame for the giggles I got out of it then - excellent. I only noticed when I was putting them up on my wall and found it funny when I realised the first aid one was spelt wrong twice :joy:

Would be worth checking that your name has been recorded correctly on the staff systems, SMS and your 3822A.
As most staff if unsure wont guess but copy from there.

@Paracetamol it’s not my actual name that’s wrong, it’s my squadron place name! For example: if my squadron was 100 John Squadron, they’ve spelt it 100 Jhon, 100 Jon and 100 Jonh (this is just an example I know there isn’t a John sqn :joy:) and I’m just a bit baffled that someone could spell their squadron name wrong.

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I wonder if people understand the phrase “please print clearly” which I was taught by mum and dad meant block capitals and make sure people can understand it.
We get forms back sometimes which are all but illegible.

@Teflon I agree. If your normal handwriting is a bit iffy, write in block capitals.

Sure, but the certificate order forms should be typed and emailed, so handwriting should not be a factor, especially since we are talking about the squadron’s name in this particular example.

Some 3822As do come in with unclear spelling due to handwriting - another aspect that the cadet portal will help to catch and fix.

@incubus and surely, if they didn’t know for X reason, they’d look it up or ask another member of staff? In this day and age where there is infinite information at our fingertips, it would take a moment to Google it. My sqn name is in quite an odd spelling but it’s spelt like it’s said, so I don’t understand what’s so hard.

No, every form block capitals, always done it that way and never had a problem. My dad has really good handwriting but he fills out forms block capitals…