Space award

Or add it to the Squadron shared documents on Cadet Portal?


Ah yes. I’m still learning my way round CP. Forgot that’s an option.

If you want to introduce Cadets to some space topics (and existential dread) show them the space themed videos by Kurzgesagt. Absolutely amazing channel who explain a wide range of topics from black holes to the Fermi Paradox (why don’t we see aliens if planets like Earth are so common?)


Wow I saw that this thread had come back alive and got excited that silver and gold had been released

It’s only been 3 and a half years since they were due🤦‍♂️

We can’t even provide a BTEC nowadays !!

Do cadets get Astronaut wings at Gold level ?? :rofl: :rofl:

Technicalities. . .

They get a “Star Fleet” badge for their brassard.

Wot - No wings :sob:

So space syllabus BTeC being unveiled at RIAT on live stream.

5 year #flashback

(and just in case the media types forget we’ve already launched it and scrub the original article, here’s the RAFA version from the same period).

Who decided to sit them in front of the video? :rofl:

So is this a difference because 5 years ago it was a syllabus and now in 2024 “certified” that the material content is suitable for a BTeC?

or is this what it always should have been it has just taken 5 years to get to it, and because no cadets will recall 2019, it is a “new” story?

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Absolutely brilliant.

Pick an online announcement, on a Friday afternoon, no pre-notification to cadets, what could possibly go wrong :man_facepalming:t2:

All brand new. Apparently even Blue is now different so those with the current certificates will need to redo them to get the BTEC.

This is what terrifies me about the new Aerospace Studies BTEC too whenever that comes. Are all my cadets going to have to resit the whole classification syllabus to get the new qualification?? It seems absurd

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Personally I don’t think many will be taking up the BTEC.

It’s seemed to have become a bit passé & the focus from cadets & parents is more on experiences rather than qualifications.

Having said that official quals is an easy way to measure return on investment in an industry relatable way.

Watching the stream - am I correct that you have to pay for the space qual?

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I just imagine the bulk of cadets will just say "sod off Baldrick " and not bother with it if it means redoing modules.

Edit to remove the inadvertent tag


Not that those in the ivory towers will believe us.

I’d go as far as to say, the last governments view and narrative on BTECs made some parents resistant - even hostile - towards them! Many schools don’t value them either.

Then we very (in parents views) publicly “axed” them too (despite it more being around Pearson axing us!!).

I’m really not sure that constantly pursuing this cause above all others is worth it.

And you’ve bought some whizzy Chromebooks to promote social mobility and learning. But PLEASE stop making it like school.