Social Media - Creating a new account

Good Evening,

I have seen some Air Cadet Tutorial accounts on social media - could I make one of these and have my face in with uniform without having to speak to someone if I run it myself ? I’ve seen lots of these types of accounts and would like to start my own with another cadet. Probably wouldn’t mention the name and number of the squadron, but maybe our surnames and have faces in to explain how to mould a beret, etc.

Thing is, it would take ages if I had to get approval to make such an account and have each video approved before posting it.

Any other tips or ideas would be great. I have already just made recruitement videos and mashups from latest community events for the sqn facebook page which is separate to this idea.

This is not a 'it’s better to ask for forgiveness than permission’ way of going.

This day and age with Social Media rules and regulations, it is best you seek permission and find out the DO’s and DONT’s before you upload anything.

I have had so many decent ideas to improve numbers on Sqn but have been told there is too much red tape to go through so I have had to stick to the rules as I don’t want to upset people.

‘I’ve given up with suggestions so just leave the OC to do what they do as it appears if it wasn’t their idea, then its not a good idea’

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Erm….just do it & upset people provided it’s not illegal, brings you or the Sqn into disrepute or could be interpreted as activism for a cause then there is very little the organisation can do. Your are a volunteer & can’t be told otherwise unless you try to make money from it (including YouTube monetisation)

Until you get sent a cease & desist & generally stick to the principles of ACTO150 then crack on.

Having said that if you are are a cadet or staff or civcom - speak to your CO first just to make sure you link into the media plan.


I’ve just spent 10 minutes ranting which I have now deleted. I feel a bit better so don’t feel the need to have posted what I had planned (it was paragraphs, and I hate reading paragraphs)

2025 is a new year and when we have the staff meeting before we open I have already got notes on my phone to bring up. I do believe if it wasn’t for this forum I wouldn’t have even bothered to make notes on my phone.

See we are all volunteers, but because one volunteer has been on a course to wear a uniform doesn’t make them much different from me in my mind. But to them I can only imagine they think the buck stops with them. (Ive just thought of a username character space permitted)

Anyway Im taking my drunk self to bed gone 2am after catching up on excel and word docs…finished off by replying here.



They way I describe it is that people wear the rank relating for the level of responsibility they have volunteered for (so you respect the person through their rank). It also means that if you wear the rank then step up to it or step down. & as OC yes the buck does stop with you…a lot!

People become trapped in this organisation by the rules of others & supposed rules of the organisation. Email your WExO or region CoS if in doubt - they are the ones who carry the risk at the end of the day & deal with the headaches but in general it’s Darwinist - if it’s good & professional it will continue, if it causes problems it gets shut down.

Do what’s best for your Sqn & local populace not what is dictated nationally. :slightly_smiling_face:


I’ll be quite frank here even though that’s not my name. In this org, I do not know half the rules and regs so when told (insert red tape chat) I just go…Fine!

But seeing so many Sqn’s doing well on facebook for instance with their out going page to the general public, it seems to be working and getting comments from people not from that’s sqns area or county. It’s a win win for the org as its positive engagement.

Come the new year I’m putting my foot down. I’m passed the point of being told we don’t have the funds for this *even tho it will improve the cadets experience. We are spending money on certain things that other staff have mentioned and I want that to change as that’s not benefiting the cadets.
If not for me, we wouldn’t operate as much as we would. I’m 100% there during the week and if I cant do things and help do positives then what is the point. I want to do more but being held back by an OC who says no or takes his time to say yes.
Enough ranting here, roll on the new year when I squeak up instead of just nodding to the OC and what he wants.

Back to @CDT_with_a_question I’m sorry if I have confused you with my rant. It’s not easy to want to do more and be told no or not yet. I’ve been at my Sqn for 10yrs and I’ve just gone with the flow. Hopefully over the coming few days before you return, a few comments of use from uniformed staff will be able to guide you on what your next steps should be.

Short answer, yes. The long answer is… if you’re staff then probably no. Given your username on here I think you’re a cadet with some experience to share.

Be sensible and avoid anything that can identify you, your Squadron, and stick to hard proven facts that you have done or confirmed yourself. There are lots of weirdos out there so don’t get caught up with idiots making stupid comments, just delete and ban them.

Whatever you put online will be there forever.

Ask yourself this, does this need to go public? You could run a closed group that starts with your Squadron and expands to the sector as an example.

There are so many YouTube / Tik Tok clips about cadet “life” / associated tutorials about preparation of uniform, what to expect when doing XXXXX, etc - what would yours add to the cooking pot? Why would they be different?

Maybe produce these for sqn use initially & see if they progress further?

Hello, So I cannot use my face or voice on these ideally? I have seen many who do , but wasn’t sure whether they had to get special approval or not…?

Loads of them insist on using Kiwi though, so they’re plain wrong.

Used Kiwi “standard” & Kiwi Parade Gloss for demos recently, both work. Haven’t used Saphir yet though. Cherry Blossom was OK too.


I’m not saying it doesn’t work. With a lot of effort and expertise it can achieve similar results to a few coats of Saphir. However, insisting viewers / followers must use Kiwi and only Kiwi is just wrong.

Nah - last demo, Parade Gloss (I think), a near mirror finish after about 30 mins (spare pair of shoes from our stores). Tesco duster + water (chilled with an ice cube). Nothing special.

Unless you’re claiming the same results can’t possibly be achieved with another brand of polish, I fail to see your point.

Not at all; there are some polish “snobs” about!

One of our staff uses a brand from Timpsons & his shoes are always gleaming! Might be this stuff.

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That might be a good shout actually. Cheaper than Saphir and maybe easier to get hold of?

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I’ve never tried Timpson’s polish, but their dry cleaning and watch repair services are sound.

If on what ever you post on you have to moderate the comments or answer questions - this thread should give you some ideas on what to expect. :slightly_smiling_face:

Sorry, misunderstanding. Yes you can use your face and voice. Obviously those that know you will know but just avoid giving personal information away.

Just to repeat, what you put online stays online. Things in the background can giveaway what school you go to, other clubs you attend, pictures of family and friends etc.

If you want to do this then do it, make it yours, and if people follow you it’s congratulations. Tell your parents you’re doing it and let them follow the page.