SNCO Promotions - Change?

Recently I read (cant find it now) that due to Covid and now lack of camps/Overnight activities, the requirements for Sgt to F/Sgt have changed?? Can anyone post me to said change (if it has of course).


The matrix was fairly recently updated so worth checking on that.

I cant remember anything of that sort, but i havent had my morning coffee yet

The wording has changed in the promotion matrix.
It used to be have attended annual camps. now says:

Over the previous 4-year period, attend a minimum of: 1 x 5 nights continuous camp 3 x 2-night camps / courses{9D98A2AC-40BD-4D8B-B875-4075250F43FF}&file=Pers%20Form%203-02.docx&action=default&mobileredirect=true

Not F/Sgt but FS

just saying


Depends who you ask? * Flight Sergeant (Flt Sgt, F/Sgt, or FS) / Flight Sergeant Aircrew (FSAcr)

No its not, There is an approved tri-service list of approved abbreviations for all ranks to avoid confusion. E G PO Petty Officer, Pilot Officer. Some fads just cling on for longer. HQAC using APO is just plain incorrect and makes us look silly

  • E.g.
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A good friend pointed out that abbreviations should actually have a dot at the end if they don’t end with the last letter of the word.

So “flt lt” but “fg off.” & “maj.”


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Shall we maybe get back to the topic at hand?

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Unless changed, abbreviated ranks (same as days / months if abbreviated) do NOT require a full stop. The whole point of an abbreviation is to make it shorter, not to attract extra punctuation.

So - fg off - maj - Mon - Jan - etc, etc.

especially I have the info I was looking for now

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