SMS guide

Any instruction is to sign cadets off for qualifications…

Or is it the usual, learn by osmosis approach?

Any particular quals?

First class, leadership blue

Like how to go about getting a cadet to complete them? Or literally how to award it on SMS?

If the former:
Staff Guide #1 - Classification Training
Staff Guide #2 - Blue Leadership
And there’s many more available on the RAFAC Key Documents area of SharePoint

(Although it’s always work going back to source policy documents as these How To’s might not have been updated to reflect changes.

If you’re wondering how to add them to SMS…

Blue leadership you add as a qualification, and preferably attach their assessment forms.

For first class, you have to update the relevant fields under ‘classifications’ > ‘summary’. Part 1 & 2 will need to be completed and they’ll need to be enrolled before it will let you add first class.