Sir Chris Hoy

I searched and didnt get the answer im looking for.

So now Sir Chris has his uniform and is appointed as an Honorary Groupie, are cadets and staff required to wave at him in standard saluting fashion or do we go with the “not holding a commission so not getting a salute” chain of thought?

[quote=“mabbz” post=10422]I searched and didnt get the answer im looking for.

So now Sir Chris has his uniform and is appointed as an Honorary Groupie, are cadets and staff required to wave at him in standard saluting fashion or do we go with the “not holding a commission so not getting a salute” chain of thought?[/quote]

I would say yes we do as he holds a commission, all be it honorary. In addition, and I may be wrong, but as a Knight of the British Empire, I believe he should be saluted anyway in his position of Knight of the Realm. Just like anyone who holds the VC, regardless of rank, gets saluted. Trying like hell to find the AP that mentions saluting.

Would it kill HQAC to have sorted this admin out before advertising the fact hes been given uniform and bar codes?

and whats the rule for saluting someone riding a bicycle? As good as he is at riding one im sure hed have some difficulty trying to salute whilst having a peddle

Also we Salute Commissions and not Ranks. The 2 are separate entities

The same as for somebody who is walking along.

They are not to return the salute with the hand but can acknowledge the compliments in other ways.

Kinda ruins the idea of seeing him fly @$$ over T*T…

I was under the impression that saluting someone with VC was a tradition and not a regulation?

They are not to return the salute with the hand but can acknowledge the compliments in other ways.[/quote]
The last time I saluted an officer riding a bicycle he nodded and said “thank you”.

[/quote] "The last time I saluted an officer riding a bicycle he nodded and said “thank you”.[/quote]

Same here. As for saluting, surely it’s courtesy to salute the rank?

Not only is saluting a means of paying respect to Her Majesty through the holder of her commission, it is also a means of showing respect to a person deemed worthy of such respect. Sir Chris is a person who in my opinion deserves such respect and even if he were not an Honorary Gp Capt, I would salute him.

Who else would or would not get a salute? Many years ago, gentlemen would have removed their hats to ladies, a salute is the same thing. Would our esteemed membership salute their local Mayor? Local elected Member of Parliament? Ex wartime airman? Thoughts?

The mayor is first citizen of the district and the official representative of the Crown. They take precedence over all others except royalty or the Lord Lieutenant of the county (per Local Government Act 1972). Out of respect, if I were in full uniform and they were on official business, I’d salute.

To be fair, we’ve had a former Royal Marine, two former RAF and myriad other ex-services as mayors in my area, and I’d have saluted them anyway - as I would anyone else I knew was ex-services. Whether they were wartime or since, held a commission or not, they have put their lives on the line for our country, and deserve our respect.

I have saluted my local MP when I was a lowly cadet corporal. He was our guest at our annual presentation evening and was handing out the awards, so, out of respect, we were ordered to salute when collecting any awards. In fact, I received three awards that night, and the MP even had the honour of placing my sergeant tapes on my shoulders :wink:

In reality, though, how often (other than the odd couple of parades each year) would you encounter the above while in full uniform?

A lot of ex servicem that didnt hold a commission wont want to be called sir or saulted.

You’re quite right there.

we salute our Mayor out of respect and have done as along as i can remember

as for Hoy, i would salute him if i met him

its easier to salute everyone and get a telling off for saluting the wrong person and be called a fool than to make the error in not saluting someone you should…