Silver radio

Does anyone know how long silver radio courses are and how often they are normally run?

2 * 2 days usually

depends massively on your Wing or Region, best enquire with your staff or radio.wing@blahblahblah


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They usually come under Region. But the Wing radio officer should know what is coming up.


my region seems to delegate it down, even telling our WRO and local signals geek to make their own WAN/LAN syllabus

I don’t want to be a Fun Sponge but that’s not such a good idea!

It’s fine they mostly just stole from the RAF Radio School stuff, With some Personal knowledge from experience in Network Engineering for 1 member of staff, and Years in the Royal Signals, Int Corps and cyber security for the other

worked really well tbh

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There was talk a while back of adopting the Open University course or at least allowing cadets to do it if there was no local ATC option. But the OU course got retired.

I saw a OU course that somewhat matched the Requirement for the gold course, would that be it?

If it was a few years ago yes. I did take it myself and it was certainly above the level needed for Silver.

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