In RAFAC Astra we expect cyber to play a key role and fall forefront alongside air-mindedness and space.
Should we, therefore, have specific region and wing cyber officers with dedicated accounts?
It is time to discuss this given the imminent deployment of ‘Units’ where role owners will only have the ability to allocate ‘real’ roles — and rightly so!
If you want to go down that route then why do we bother with any of the wing roles. Let’s be honest we can ditch 90% of them. Training, the subject “SME” accounts, WWOs etc. Throw them all in the bin!
I think one of the key thing about radio is that there is some specific legislation & regulation that kicks in once you get beyond the basic & you could have all sorts of issues from OfCom regarding licenses etc.
It makes sense for a specific regulated activity to have a SME as part of wing staff, similar to first Aid, HSE, AT & shooting.
Other roles that are done ad hoc can probably sit at as part of another role. Media officer is a good example of a role that should be done alongside a Sqn officer role & doesn’t need to be part of the dedicated wing team.
Should Cybers exist? - well they do so yes. Where should that SME & point of contact sit well probably at Sqn level with a wing spoc appointed by Wing.
I have been reliably informed that with the recent move of Radio to now sit within the Cyber AOR, all current wing radio/comms SMEs are being retitled to reflect this in the near future.
Not sure whether this would mean additional posts (which I think there should be to ease the workload) but more likely, current radio officers are going to be lumped with double the work as many wings seem to have done so far.
I’m not familiar with cyber, and I’m a little confused about the content. Is STEM just a sub-category of cyber? How does radio fit in? Also, what makes a good cyber officer?
Cyber comes under STEM and depending on which part of cyber you are looking at it can hit a few bits.
Good cyber officers (IMO) would need a good general understanding of a broad range of IT subjects, an inch deep but mile wide level of understanding is probably better than being an expert in cryptography at this point.
Hopefully as Cyber takes off we will train our CFAVs properly to deliver what is needed to the Cadets and if smart in a way which will help them in the real world.
Cyber has sat under the radio officer since it was released in 2017 but most wings have had a seperate sme for cyber as the wing radio officer either dont have a interest in cyber.
Alot of radio officers are of a older generation. I think if their title was to change from radio officer to cyber officer with cyber being the focus over radio they may give up the role.