Shooting Hubs

Yes it did, I have seen it.

Limited issue in the Army for a particular competition - can’t recall exactly what.

As to whether there is a plan to field it more widely, I’ve been told they would like to, but obviously there are budget issues as well as logistics.

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Was it not for the biathlon?

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That’s what I was thinking too.

I think you are correct.

Just had sight of a notice that has gone out in SW region with regards to this. Seems they are off on a tangent with the national direction.

What a surprise!

What’s the tangent? I’ve never even seen an L144, so it would stand to reason they’d be removed before my hub actually gets them.

Oh I see. I’ve had it sent to me. So, South West region are trying to remove all armoury hubs in their area, force sqns to sell any locally purchased rifles, force us to only use air rifles.

All to happen by the end of March 24.

Yet again, an absolute farce. This is another nail in the coffin for the organisation. How do we raise this absurdity higher and force them to keep it open?

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hasn’t there been a massive effort to get armouries alarmed recently?

all that money spent, effort put in and now the most secure armouries the RAFAC have ever had at an ATC hut is being deemed a white elephant as we’re not going to be holding weapons?

what is next mandatory Cold Injury training only to ban us going outside in anything less than 10°C?

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And, it would seem, it is only happening in South West Region. I wonder what it is about that region that makes them struggle so much, when no other regions are apparently taking this action?

Yeah, we’ve had an email about organising getting all our weapons serviced. No sign of them being removed!

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Hush now, don’t go giving people ideas

We’ve still not been given any reasonings behind it, just that it’s not their decision.

Which is really frustrating, because we don’t know what the issue is.

The two bits of information we’ve been “given” (rumoured it was officially given) . Is that its a Core directive and the SW Region are just ahead of the game.

And the other one is becausethat type is being removed across the core. But you would of thought (i know comms aren’t brilliant but even a hint of something) there would of been an announcement, or a stoppage on courses

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The official reasoning is because of money for the alarms. They want money as not all hubs are up and running, and then they want money to maintain them and have the contract.

And in SW they are apparently going to move to a LASER model of Wexos, removing them from supporting units with hubs.

Lastly, they mention a review that could end up seeing air rifle for delivery on squadrons.

Or heat injury training banning going outside above 20 degrees.

I, too, have seen the email.

The armouries are there, they are alarmed, they have been for years. And now because they aren’t being used they’re being removed.

They aren’t being used because THE WEAPONS WERE NEVER ISSUED. That’s not a squadron issue.

I might just turn to one of my cadets and tell them that I’m not promoting them to corporal because they haven’t performed well enough in the corporal role to keep it. See if the logic makes any sense to them, because it doesn’t make sense to me.

Not getting value for money? Try putting some weapons in them.



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Sort out the high paid help……:rage:

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Certain Sqn in SWR, with an indoor 25m .22 range (.303 really) and armoury, not selected for an alarm as it wasn’t central enough in the wing. Alarm given to a single pane tube range instead which has now never seen a weapon. Cadets asking when they get to do shooting, only answer I can give is “I don’t know”.

Durrr what? The point was to spread them around - you can’t have them all “central”!

Wherever they are, someone will have to travel, someone will have to travel further, and some lucky sod will get to roll out of bed onto the range. The important aspect should have been where has the best potential for use? Range size and quality should have been the factor after suitable armoury, then followed by teaching space.

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Which would be arguement, although I am biased. All become rather academic anyway, I’ve see a L144 once and it wasn’t on a range.