So I was sitting and polishing my shoes and all was well, however, about half an hour in my shoe started dulling and the cotton ball would feel more resistance as I polish. I was confused and tried to polish with just water in case I had too much polish which didn’t work. I put my finger over it and it felt like a thick layer of vaseline had been smeared over the shoe or something of a similar consistency. It was repelling water and had that fatty/oily texture to it.
I’ve never been so baffed before when it comes to shoes, all help is appreciated
The polish has warmed up too much. Ive noticed it quite a lot in the past year or two, im assuming the manufacturers have changed the mix at some point.
I have two tins and when one is starting to warm i stick it in the fridge whilst i use the next one. FYI, if you are married or live with someone who isnt in cadets, you may get a few strange questions of why your polish is sitting next to the milk. My wife dispairs sometimes
Thank you very much, I’ll try to cool it down and use colder water. Surprised it’s never happened before though, I’ve used a hairdryer when trying to fill in cracks and scuffs etc and never seen anything like this