

In a few weeks there is a selection weekend for going for a camp at an RAF Base what kind of things would the staff be looking out for and tips?If you were choosing what would you base your choices on attendance etc?What would we be on the camp?

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As you are going for a selection weekend beforehand would I be correct to assume this is not just for a week of Summer Camp. What is the course or camp about or called?

I don’t know what we are doing but the reason that there is a selection weekend is because they can only take a minibus full of cadets so.We are going to see our affilated RAF squadron and they are taking us up in a hercules.
I really want to go.

Ok well in that case they could be judging you on anything, but to make a few quick suggestions:

First thing be proactive and show them that you really want a place by asking to speak to the CO of staff member organising and ask them what they will be looking for and judging you on because you are very keen to be selected. (Then of course take on board whatever hits or tips they give you.)

Make sure your uniform is perfect, pay complements etc.

I imagine the selection may involve some teamwork or leadership tasks. If so, get involved, be a good team player, volunteer for jobs or to lead an exercise if you get the opportunity but don’t try and take over someone else’s task.

You can apply that to whatever the selection process consists of. If a job needs doing, volunteer and do your best at it, even if it is sweeping the floor at the end.

Show an interest in the Sqn you are going to visit. Research it’s history, it’s role and some facts/figures. Demonstrate this in front of your staff and they may just pick you for being keen.

It’s an intresting way to do it, personally I would base selection in same way I would a cadet for promotion, based on their performance over the past 6-12 months. The problem with selection weekends is that the best cadet has a bad weekend at some point.

Best of luck though, just relax and don’t stress out about, as the others have said put your best effort in and you can’t be faulted.