Can anyone suggest a source of a pair?
Must be the split-pin normal sized ones, ideally brass (rather than greatcoat giant sized, or the intermediate ones).
Can anyone suggest a source of a pair?
Must be the split-pin normal sized ones, ideally brass (rather than greatcoat giant sized, or the intermediate ones).
Thanks folks, but these are either intermediate or greatcoat-sized ones (hint: price) ie too big. I’d already asked that question of the Ebay dealer.
I shall continue to search.
Up until now, I hadn’t realised that the migration to gilt titles with pin&clutch (as well as ease of fitting/removal) does give the chance for a No.1 dress jackets to be reissued to eg ATC/CCF Air Cadets (or even to a regular/active reserve) without holey lapels.
However, they are utterly useless in the context of No3 dress/greens…hence in part my search for a set of classic shank &split-pin titles…
When does an official announcement get made regarding permission being given for embroidered rank slides as a dress option? I believe RAF DPC has given their approval…
(In case anyone doubts about the three sizes of VRT titles…
Clutch pin type titles are RUBBISH, but no-one has the good sense to make the split pin types for ACF either. My county has a band and 3 CofDs and you could follow them by the trail of ACF pins that fall off their No2s epaulettes.
But why not sew them on with gold/gilt wire?
I used to do this with AAC beret badges that have the single flat spigot and that would fall out or snap eventually. Cadets were always losing beret badges until I spent half a parade night fixing them all on using fuse wire and the pliers on my leatherman. No more badges lost.
I find the stores ones are perfectly suitable for most stuff, but now I prefer the embroidered ones with VRT embroidered direct onto the braid. Not sanctioned I know, but much better for greens and SAA
No, I understand they definitely [B]are[/B] now permitted.
They’ve just not yet been formally-announced as permitted via AP1358C. So until that happens, in theory and in practice they should not yet be worn…despite approval having been given at a much-higher level than the ACO.