The HQAC Safeguarding team have arranged 3 virtual sessions.
Safeguarding - Returning to Squadron
Dates: [13th August @7pm] and [27th August @7pm]
Duration: 1 hour
Target Audience: Wg ExOs, OC Wings, Deputy OC Wings, Wing CPA, Sqn Commanders.
A package has been devised to support you as you prepare for the return of face to face activity over the coming weeks and months. We recognise that for some of our cadets there will be a desire to talk to CFAV, to share worries and express any concerns they may have. The Safeguarding Team have considered the wider impact of professional services that Covid 19 has brought about, including the reduction of 1-1 opportunities to speak with CFAV, teachers, social workers, and police. The aim of the PowerPoint presentation is to be open with you, around what we as an organisation can anticipate, a reminder of what we should be alert and observant to, how we can respond professionally and reassuringly and finally what processes, guidance and tools can be used when responding to concerns.
Child Sexual Exploitation Awareness
Dates: [15th August @10:30am], [19th August @6:30pm] and [28th August @6:30pm]
Duration: 1 hour
Target Audience: All
Child Exploitation is a significant concern when working with children and young people, particularly those with additional vulnerabilities which can leave them vulnerable to targeting. The awareness training is designed to give you a wider understanding of what is meant by the term Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE). We will also be exploring the attitudes and responses to CSE cases, recognition of vulnerabilities and grooming behaviour and how we respond as an organisation including our contribution to overall safeguarding.
Sexting Awareness
Dates: [15th August @11:45am], [19th August @7:45pm] and [28th August @7:45pm]
Duration: 45 minutes
Target Audience: All
‘Sexting is when you send a sexual message, photo or video to someone else’. Sexting has become a modern day problem amongst young people. Across the Corps we have seen an increase in the number of cadets involved in Sexting, whereby they are not fully aware of the law or possible implications. This seminar is available to all those who wish to know more, to understand more about young peoples choices and decisions and the impact on them in society. We will also be taking a look at what action the RAFAC takes in accordance with policy, procedure and the law, and considering how we can apply a restorative approach to working with the Cadets; educating them so that we can reduce future incidents of Sexting.