It has been 7 years since I left as a cadet and I am now seeking to return as a volunteer.
It’s been something I have wanted to do for so long as this organisation gave me so much and I want to give back as much as possible.
My work life has prevented it due to working hours but I now work from a home office and have plenty of free time in the evenings.
I do have a few questions to start off with.
Is it best to use the RAFAC website Sqn finder and put all of my information through that way or just attend the Sqn and speak to the OC?
I will return in the capacity of CI for a while before hopefully progressing into a uniformed member. The question being how long would it roughly take from start to finish when beginning the transition to uniform?
Any and all tips or advice for anyone returning as an adult volunteer?
definitely don’t just attend un-announced, that sets off massive alarm bells for sqn staff
If you’re returning to your old sqn and know the OC, there’s nothing wrong with making contact with them, otherwise the Sqn finder is best. this allows Wing to see if you’re willing to go to another local sqn with staff issues.
depends; SNCO can be instant (although some wings are known to hesitate on that), Officer after a year of service as a CI or SNCO (sadly you’re outside the 5 year frame where former cadets can become DE officers)
I’d suggest contacting and visiting any convenient local Squadrons. The staff team and atmosphere on each will be different and you might find one more appealing. Wing might ask you to join a unit with significant staff shortages and that wouldn’t be a good re-introduction to the ATC. By visiting several units, you can decide where you want to volunteer.
I took a 6 year gap and came back to the organisation about 4 years ago. As others have said a lot has changed. I reached out to several local squadrons using their emails from social media to visit. Theres nothing to stop you visiting a few to get a feel. Make sure you stick with the process though as returning can take some time paperwork wise and needed some chasing emails.
Firstly, there’s nothing wrong with a break. I was a service instructor for a while but then deployments and life made it impossible to commit. By the time I made it back, so much stuff had suddenly changed, but time away can be good and won’t be viewed as an issue.
If you know your closest unit, by all means I’d say search them out online and get in touch. Avoid turning-up unannounced as it can be a pain to manage it, no matter how welcome you might be.
Failing that, the sqn finder online works well and the boss will get your details fairly quickly.
Although some of the policies and a lot of the processes have changed, the basics of most of what we do hasn’t - so lesson content, for example, should largely be the same or at least similar.
As for getting back into the system, I would suggest making direct contact with Squadrons in the first instance, rather than using the Squadron Finder.
Each Wing handles potential volunteer enquiries slightly differently and the emails from the RAF website don’t go to the Squadron(s) you indicate but to a wing staff officer. It is then up to them to forward it on, and indeed to which Squadron they send your details.
I’d get in touch with the Squadron OCs you are local to, and arrange an informal chat. If they then advise you to send the application via the RAF website to capture your details, you at least have a Squadron “sponsor” to monitor your application, and to make sure it doesn’t vanish into the ether. I find applicants who come in this way or via word of mouth are more likely to stick with the process.
Great stuff welcome back. I’d say in addition to the above just have a little(lot) of patience with the process. It seems to have got better now with online DBS checks etc but there can be random procedures that take ages or change requirements at short notice. All I can say is it will work out in the end, we’re desperate for volunteers and you can make a massive positive impact on young people’s lives with your volunteering
I’ll leave an email with my old OC and set a date for a chat and find out if they need the additional staff.
Volunteering at another Sqn wasn’t something that crossed my mind but if there’s a shortage in my wing then I don’t see myself having an issue moving over to another Sqn to provide support.
I really do look forward to picking this back up and as mentioned in my original statement giving back to this organisation.
I look forward to interacting with you all further
Its been 10yrs or so for me, I’m not sure I’ll ever pick anything up #StillWingingIt
I took a 18yr gap and I was surprised so much had changed! No more rusty bic razors for cadets to remove their bum fluff, staff being far less shouty, and a lot of admin and courses.
But none the less, I do enjoy what I does.
And these forums could be monitored by people you will know or will interact with once you are back…so I’d be big on the anonymity on here
For instance, I don’t think @OC.1324’s cadets would benefit much from teasing him about his ACC username. I would quite like it if my cadets absorbed the subtle message in my own username.