@HQAC - you know that thing in 2003 where the Chief of the Defence staff was so concerned about the legality of the Iraq war and the quality of the government legal advice that he commissioned his own, private, legal advice because he didn’t want to be the one left holding the (dead) baby when it all went breasts skyward? well, that would be a good operational model for you to be following…
What, you mean not having any proper commissions at all?
CDS showed commendable wisdom in doing that, never ever trust a poltician to keep their word when there other poeple to throw under the nearest Clapham omnibus, that includes some people in the military past and present.
Just like us, then???
Haven’t heard anything from CCF(RN), which I would have done, so as far as I know it’s still on for them. But they’ve always been a bit of an anomaly in a CCF where the other officers were commissioned.
I was told as someone mentioned above that there is no retirements any more - only relinquish or resign (for VRT and CFC) - one reason being to stop the whole ”Retd” practice as there has been some No5 walting that got seriously undesirable attention (one was splashed over mainstream media when the individual ended up in court)
IIRC There was never any retirement before either!
You resigned your commission, and providing you met the required criteria (Been an officer for 10 years, had a good record, were not resigning due to discipline issues), then you would receive a letter thanking you for your service, and confirming that you could retain the right to use the post nominals “(highest rank you served as for at least a year) VR(T) Retd.”
RE number 5 walting - provided someone had received the letter, they would be perfectly entitled to wear number 5s as a retired VR(T), so I can’t see how that would be walting?
And the Walts will Walt regardless
It’s all irrelevant now as the RAFAC commission isn’t retired so there is no retention of rank
One month before the Sexual Offences Act 1967 received Royal Assent. I have no knowledge whatsoever whether this may have been a factor in this instance but I am aware that there was a propensity to take action if it was deemed that the service might incur reputational damage as a result of the activities of retired officers. The service could be remarkably harsh at times.
There were regulations relating to forfeiture or retired rank and removal from the list Retired Officers. I have looked but am unable to find any current reference to them.
Is there chapter and verse on whether those of us ex-RAFVR(T) can ‘retire’? I know we were ‘relinquished’ (nasty transitive use of intransitive verb!)
At the danger of being savaged…
Who cares?