Remembrance Service

Just a quick question, do you chaps usually salute during the national anthem during a Remembrance service? Ceremonial for the Army specifies that officers are not to salute during the national anthem, only for the last post.

We do.

Seems a bit odd, reference from All Arms Drill Manual below:

National Anthem
0126. When the National Anthem is played, compliments are paid as follows:
a. When on Parade or in an Organized Party. All ranks will stand to Attention, but only officers and warrant officers will salute. NCOs will only salute if they are in charge of an organized party.
b. When Not on Parade, but in Uniform. All ranks will salute.
c. When Not on Parade and in Plain Clothes. All ranks will stand to Attention.
d. Officers with Drawn Swords. They will stand at the Carry.
e. Sentries. They will Slope Arms.

Regards, arl

[quote=“arl” post=12648]Seems a bit odd, reference from All Arms Drill Manual below:

National Anthem
0126. When the National Anthem is played, compliments are paid as follows:
a. When on Parade or in an Organized Party. All ranks will stand to Attention, but only officers and warrant officers will salute. NCOs will only salute if they are in charge of an organized party.
b. When Not on Parade, but in Uniform. All ranks will salute.
c. When Not on Parade and in Plain Clothes. All ranks will stand to Attention.
d. Officers with Drawn Swords. They will stand at the Carry.
e. Sentries. They will Slope Arms.

Regards, arl[/quote]

That is correct for most instances, however rules are different for Remembrance Services. We class all such services as church services (inside or outside) and it is stated specifically that we do not salute during the anthem or pay other compliments during the service, with the exception of the last post. Our ceremonial guide is a separate publication to the drill manual.

Carry on then!

In church male personal will have removed their headdress anyway so saluting is out, never looked to see what female personal do however my view would be that they just stand to attention as that is what the males will be doing. If the service is outside then are you formed up? If so I would say salute. Certainly when I parade with the ACF for Remembrance, both outdoor services, the Officer or NCO IC salute.

What is the reference for not doing so?

[quote=“arl” post=12650]

What is the reference for not doing so?[/quote]

I might dig it out later, if I remember (and wasn’t imagining things).

I have looked though both the RN and RAF drill manuals and neither say anything in the same manner. Although I did just view last years Service in London and no one saluted.

It makes sense, if you are expected to sing the national anthem then it would be inappropriate for a salute to be given. If the anthem is just being played then a salute would be given.

Thats the logic I would apply. Never thought about it in that much detail really.

I think it depends on whether or not you class the service as a church parade, which the Army does, and QRs for the Army say we don’t salute.

Not really important, I was just curious!

Does the army book say anything about Flowers of the Forest being played by a piper?
This seems to get played up here in lieu of the Last Post, at the remembrance ceremonies I’ve been to at least.

[quote=“incubus” post=12654]Does the army book say anything about Flowers of the Forest being played by a piper?
This seems to get played up here in lieu of the Last Post, at the remembrance ceremonies I’ve been to at least.[/quote]

Well…no. Sounds a bit strange. Do you salute for it? :smiley:

Nobody salutes at our local ceremony and banners aren’t dipped either. It may be just the way they do it there.

Quick question drill people:

Do I salute through the last post and stop when I hear the first bar of reveille?

Every year each group looks at the next to work out what to do. This year I’d like to be right!

[quote=“pEp” post=12663]Quick question drill people:

Do I salute through the last post and stop when I hear the first bar of reveille?

Every year each group looks at the next to work out what to do. This year I’d like to be right![/quote]

Salute during the Last Post ending on the last note, remain at attention throughout the silence and Reveille.

Nooo!! Salute from the first note of the last post to the first note of reveille. Should be saluting the whole time the the banners are “dipped”!!

thats what i thought. start of last post to start of reveille.

still confused by the national anthem though. AP818 says salute if outside, so guess that means we shouldnt sing it?

[quote=“pEp” post=12663]Quick question drill people:

Do I salute through the last post and stop when I hear the first bar of reveille?

Every year each group looks at the next to work out what to do. This year I’d like to be right![/quote]

i quote the RBL Ceremonial Handbook
Chapter 12, paragraph 3

and as the RBL Parade Marshall I will be following this and is what i have seen done in my time with the ATC…

[quote=“uivenger” post=12668]thats what i thought. start of last post to start of reveille.

still confused by the national anthem though. AP818 says salute if outside, so guess that means we shouldnt sing it?[/quote]

AP818 actually states under services at local war memorials in its suggested order of service that the National Anthem is sung by all on parade. So maybe it is correct to sing and not salute as per talons reference.

Regarding the Last Post, Reveille.

  1. Personnel are to conform to local custom with regards to the courtesy salutes at ceremonies at other memorials. The general rule is that uniformed officers and warrant officers are to salute when the Last Post is played, but not during the Reveille. Other ranks are to remain at Attention throughout.

No mention of the silence at all.

This was my next port of call for a reference but I don’t have an electronic copy of the RBL Ceremonial!

right, so I’m going to go up on the 1st note and down on the last note of the last post. Not salute through the silence or wait for the reveille.

That’s the plan this year!

IIRC I have seen something somewhere that says no one salutes, maybe other than the uniformed dignitaries.

As for the Last Post elsewhere it is has always been in my memory and attendance of numerous parades up on the first and down on the last notes. If you have masocistic tendancies by all means hold the salute until reveille.

As for who salutes I wouldn’t have the gall to tell an old boy/girl with beret and blazer festooned with medals that he/she can’t salute.