Relationship rules ex cadets

Here is one for you. I have become aware of an adult member of staff in their Mid 20s who is in a relationship with an female ex cadet in her early 20s who attended the squadron where this member of staff is a CFAV while she was a cadet. She is now a member of Civcom at the same Sqn. There is no suggestion that the relationship or any inappropriate contact happened while the female individual was a cadet.

The contact and friendship that would lead to the relationship started after the individual was no longer a cadet in the corps. Is their actually any rules broken here?

Doesn’t sound to me like anything that could be construed as dodgy.


No. And some words.


Two adults, both over 20. No issue what so ever. Not even close to an issue…


Also, the way this is worded is that you also know this isn’t an issue but maybe someone has suggested it is, and you’re trying to defend them? I hope that is the case rather than trying to cause issues.

I didn’t think their was anything wrong with it but I wanted a second opinion due to the fact that the individual had been a cadet and the CFAV had had at one point a position of trust over them even if it didn’t exist anymore without having to make it formal by asking my CofC if it wasn’t required (and then be seen as trying to cause an issue when it didn’t exist)but the answers seems to agree with my original thought on the matter

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Yeah, it’s fine. I know many people who are now in long term, happy relationships (between people in the org) that might have a 3/4/5 year age difference. If you extrapolate any of those back down to one of them being over twenty and one being under then there would be issues all over the place.

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Didn’t HQAC run an advert campaign around Valentine’s Day a couple of years ago to recruit new volunteers with the hook of meeting a future spouse through adult volunteering?


We all good here? Imma gonna go ahead and lock this up as it seems pretty comprehensively answered.