Regional Performance & Risk Management Officer Appointed - A new role?

Often there is talk on here of ‘jobs for the boys’. Is this one of them? It’s not a role I’ve ever heard of before, and honestly I don’t really understand it.

‘Performance and Risk Management’, if it is required, really sounds like something a perm staff member should (already) be doing?

I’ve nothing against the CFAV named here. Just commenting on the system behind appointing a volunteer to a role that appears to have been made up out of thin air!

What will they do that the TSA/HSE advisor don’t already do in terms of safety?

Big question is whether they are being paid or are they volunteer.

If paid then it should have gone through the civil service recruitment unless it’s as an external consultant.

If a volunteer then there is a big question whether it’s appropriate for a volunteer to be carrying out a high profile safety critical role (I wonder how they got it through the union as well)

It doesn’t explicitly say. But it says they ‘were an OC until making the move to this role’. That implies to me they’re a volunteer, moving from OC to RSO.

So that’s the other thing here, that’s one less OC in that Wing now! And looking up oc.1163 now shows the account allocated to a member of the CWC…

Will be interesting to see the TORs, I suspect this is a CFAV looking after health and safety in some way but unsure how it will clash with the civil service regional health and safety role.

They seem to be struggling to fill those roles.

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We received the advert for this some months ago via email, but the advert was then announced to be closed the very next day. Would suggest something isn’t quite right.


Did the advert come with TORs? Would be interesting to see what the role actually is!

Would be interesting to know if the appointment of another Health and Safety bod makes things safer for people on the ground…

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It did indeed, though I’m not sure how best to share them on here as I’m unsure of whether they’re for public consumption.

The TORs basically state that this is ranked as a Sqn Ldr and reads as though it’s just working closely with the RC, Wing H&S Leads and Sqn OCs to promote safe working. Obviously with many more words though.

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To note, the email was sent BCC to all region on 22 Mar 23