Recruiting media

Out of pure desperation, does anyone have any good recruiting media for getting more staff? Uniformed and CI, that doesn’t have Chris Hoy or Linford Christie on it. Video would be even better. County show coming up and I’d like to look like we know what we are doing, ACF and SSF are at the same shindig.

For AFD, we dis a range of A3 laminated posters showing our activities over the year with a couple of separate ones mentioning the CFAV requirements.

Look here Campaign toolkits ( there are plenty of leaflets available for staff and cadet recruitment and some video clips that may help.

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So who amd where do we contact for media materials for recruiting and fundraising?
Also to request likes of a large banner for our squadron?

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Firstly your Wing Media Officer should know who you can contact, as well as your Wing HQ support Staff.
For printing leaflets and posters you can email the print team at Cranwell as detailed on the Cadet Training Resources Portal

For large banners you are best off getting a quote privately and discussing it with your squadron CivCom.