
I was a serving VRT officer but have been out of the ACO for 20 years and I am now serving on a civilian committee, the question was asked why don’t I apply for a commission as the squadron is short staffed. Being and ex officer, is there any difference in the selection procedure and for someone who has no previous experience.

I think you will find a different process for those have only been out for a short period, maybe less than 10 years. A telecom with Reg Comdt, instead of OASC.

you’ll also have to do a year as a Fg Off (if you were a higher rank) and then you would regain your Flt Lt rank

Is that a real rule or is it a local rule? Rank is supposed to be based on your role so if you are the OC you are a Flt Lt and whether you are paid or not is based on whether you have done your courses or not.

ACP20 PI204 para 14

‘An officer who leaves the RAFVR(T) in the rank of flying officer or above and is subsequently re-commissioned, will become eligible for consideration of appointment to the unpaid rank of flight lieutenant on completion of a total of 9 years qualifying service subject to the completion of one year’s commissioned service following rejoining.’

Rules are soon to change… Apparently an IBN of the new officer promotions will be released soon.