Rank Structure


Junior Cadet (Jnr Cdt)
Young people who have begun their 2nd year of Secondary School (Year 8) and are under 17 years old can join the Royal Air Force Air Cadets in either the Air Training Corps (ATC) or Combined Cadet Force (CCF(RAF)). They are initially given the title ‘Junior Cadet’ and can go along to most meetings to get a feel for the organisation.

Cadet (Cdt)
You will, usually after 3-6 months be appointed (not a promotion) to the rank of Cadet.

Cadet Lance Corporal (Cdt LCpl)
If you are in the CCF(RAF) you may be promoted to the rank of Cadet Lance Corporal which is the CCF(RAF)s first Junior Non Commissioned Officer (JNCO) rank, following the example of the RAF Regiment (the remainder of the RAF do not use this rank). The insignia is a single chevron. This rank is addressed as Corporal.

Cadet Corporal:
After your OC is confident in your ability you may be promoted to Cadet Corporal. This is the first rank on the Cadet Non-Commisioned Officer “rank ladder” for the ATC and second for the CCF(RAF). This is a JNCO rank. This rank is addressed as Corporal.

Cadet Sergeant (Cdt Sgt)
Usually after completing a NCO course of some form, you will be eligible for promotion to Cadet Sergeant. This is the first Senior Non Commissioned Officer rank within the cadet rank structure. This rank is addressed as Sergeant.

Cadet Flight Sergeant (Cdt FS)
This is the second SNCO rank and is the last promotion to which a OC can appoint a cadet (although in the CCF approval is needed from the TEST staff) . This is a very senior rank and often the highest ranking cadet on the squadron. This rank is addressed as Flight Sergeant.

Cadet Warrant Officer (CWO)
This is the highest rank a cadet can hold in the RAFAC, within the ATC you are required to go before a promotion board at wing level. If you are approved for promotion, a recommendation is sent to Headquarters Air Cadets (HQAC) at RAF College Cranwell. You will then be issued with a certificate of appointment and CWO rankslides. This rank is addressed as Warrant Officer by subordinates (as opposed to other warrant officers, who would be addressed as sir/ma’am.)


Basic Explanation:
The staff who run the RAFAC at unit level are of 3 types: commissioned officers, senior NCOs and civilian instructors (CIs).

This is not a rank and is a appointment. A CI is addressed as Mr/Ms/Miss/Mrs Surname when not speaking to them or Sir/Ma’am when you are speaking directly to them. Despite not holding a rank they are higher in the chain of command than a CWO.

Adult SNCO:

Acting Sergeant (ASgt):
A Acting Sergeant is usually a new SNCO who hasn’t attended the Adult Training Facility at RAF Cranwell yet. The rankslide is the same as an Adult Sergeants but had a white stripe through the section saying RAF AIR CADETS. They are addressed simply as Sergeant.

Sergeant (RAFAC):
Sgt (RAFAC) is the baseline adult SNCO rank. An adult Sergeant is usually in charge of matters such as discipline, drill and uniform stores. The rankslide has 3 chevrons above the words RAF AIR CADETS. They are addressed simply as Sergeant.

Flight Sergeant (RAFAC):
FS (RAFAC) is the first promotion in the Adult SNCO ladder. The rankslide is the same as an Adult Sergeant but also holds a Tudor Crown above the chevrons. They are addressed as Flight Sergeant.

Warrant Officer (RAFAC):
WO (RAFAC) is the highest rank an adult volunteer can attain without commissioning as an officer. They are addressed as Sir/Ma’am and the rankslide includes the royal coat of arms. above the words RAF AIR CADETS.

Commissioned Officers:

Will write up soon.


Is 16 and 3/4 correct? I thought it was up to 17 6?

Don’t know for sure. If you can find a source go ahead and change it. That’s the beauty of the wiki :wink:

Do you have a reference for the fact that CWOs should only be addressed as Cadet Warrant or Cadet Warrant Officer?

I call mine Warrant Officer as I drop the cadet prefix as we do for all other ranks


It used to be stated in the old ACP31 which no longer exists.

But since we drop the Cadet from all other ranks there is no reason to keep it for CWO as some sort of speacial case.


Yeah, I assumed that unless any other document contradicted the old ACP 31 then why would it not be that? I heard down the grapevine that some high up Adult Warrant Officer had it changed for some reason for another but I have yet to find a reference to anything, would love to know either way though - perhaps an email to HQAC is due! :thinking:

Only just spotted this - even in 2016 you were way behind with JCpl (NB that was the rank abbreviation) as they were converted in to LCpl when the Regt did the same to SAC gunners.

Have edited.

And the only reason the RAF Regiment got L/Cpl was because the army couldn’t understand that an SAC gunner could be a section commander on operations.

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They’re simple souls

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Could add a minor pedant point - ranks are written in lower-case unless forming part of a proper noun (but on my ‘phone and can’t be bothered to change it all now!)

There’s no Sgt (RAFAC) etc… It was decided when they made the changeover that “RAFAC” would be postnominal akin to RAFVR(T).

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