Rank inequality (ATC camps etc)

Sqn OCs can promote, only RCs can demote.

Other than the bases guidelines there’s nothing really enforceable & with a lack of people wanting to become COs don’t think that there is anything that could be done against COs who don’t want to follow the wing guidines.

With covid having shut down many squadrons for 2 years we are going to see a lot of changes to the “normal” way of doing things. Rigidly sticking to the leading requirement will result in zero cpls on my sqn as the older ones haved promoted up or aged out. Overly restrictive criteria and hoops to jump through (promotion boards! Application forms! Interviews!) will only make things worse. It’s a leadership role in a youth organisation, not OASC


What if you have a probationary period and said cpl fails it so you want to demote them back to cadet, but you can’t because the RC won’t have it?

Not according to ACP20.


Indeed, OCs can promote and demote their cadets up to and including Flight Sergeant. It’s only CWOs that they can’t demote personally as it’s a Wing appointment so the individual would be suspended and a letter sent up the chain to RC requesting termination of appointment.


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Termination of a staff cadet appointment. The rank of CWO is almost redundant.

Even if they are, that isn’t right as you are essentially telling the cadets that they have to do DofE if they want promotion, and DofE should always be voluntary.


Just had a look & as stated ACP20 does allow Sqn OCs to demote NCO cadets as a form of administrative action so I stand corrected. However I’m sure I read an IBN that said that reduction in rank was a form of formal administrative action so needed region ratification (however I can’t find it so it was either a speculation by someone or a regulation that has been superseded).

Provided that you fully document everything & follow the process in ACP20 (including escalating of process & seeking advice) it should be fine but if the cadet or parent objects it’s unlikely you would have the paperwork to support purely based on performance alone. Also due to the age & vulnerability of young people it’s also likly to trigger a safeguarding escalation if your not very careful.

Having said that I don’t agree with probationary periods for NCOs, they should have been prepped & prepared before hand & if they are not performing (other than attendance) then it’s likly to be a training & mentoring issue rather than the young person themselves.

The main aim of my comment (if a little glib) was that it’s not within the gift of Wg Cdr or sector Cdr to demote a cdt once an OC Sqn has promoted them (except as part of formal administrative action), regardless of local rules making said local rules a bit pointless. :slight_smile:

This 100%


If they aren’t just shut them down :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I have read your replies. I agree with most of them although for the case of promotions that should not be unique to squadrons.

Regarding the tick-box method im not favoring it, promotions should be more of an up-to-it way of filtering. Anyway as squadrons differ regarding number of cadets I see the problem there. If theres a squadron with 15 cadets compared to a 100-member unit, promotions are harder to attain in larger squadrons with more competition and potential candidates.

For that is my personal suggestion that JNCO and SNCO courses are compulsory to complete during service as an Nco, not to determine if they are not fit enough, its to run them through a nationally-recognized training program.

Don’t get me wrong Im still just a corporal about to be sergeant but I usually discuss the ways my favorite organisation is run and which I serve.

Anyway thats simply a suggestion and there are probably dozens of different solutions for that, or maybe there will never be a solution and this is simply being an air cadet. If change is made or not I do not personally care as I am still enjoying cadets is simply the fact I don’t wont other cadets to experience these same problems I had. No one should be teased and laughed for not being promoted a long time. Every unit’s OC is different and theres nothing that cadet can do about it, they just try hard and get recognised for it at their own squadron, but not always the case at camp.

DoFe? Don’t get me wrong but I believe its a more voluntary expedition training and should not determine the rank. Anyway thank you for all the support it surely helped me better understand things!

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My last CO before I left the Corps refused to put in a recommendation for CWO unless I did Silver DofE…

Ignoring the fact I’d done Nijmegen…:joy:

Out of interest, are you staff now or did you escape?:wink:

Escaped… For now :joy: Maybe someday I’ll return but for now I’m quite busy with job etc.

Lurking on ACC doesn’t particularly make me want to come back. Seems like the organisation is past the golden age (2008-2015 IMO).


Or are they still digging?

Is that the tune of the Great Escape I hear?

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Don’t let our moans put you off, maybe we could take a Dodentocht team out one day😉

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This ws not the golden age.

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Obviously I’m biased by my time in.

Raises an interesting question. When would you say was the Golden Age? Potential new thread :joy:

Surely should be looking at Gold for CWO

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With the length of time it would take to do it, you’d probably be 19 by the time you’ve done it. So it’s to maximize time as CWO