Raising of UK terror threat level

No nerve touched Sweetheart – I was simply reminding you of the TOR’s of the ACO and that we are not a platform to preach personal political views – thus allowing the Young People to make up their own minds on the big wide world.

My understanding is that we still teach aviation related subjects and that alternate means of flying have been established in the interim. So yes we still promote aviation.

You are George Galloway (and I claim my £5), or you are yet another CFAV - embittered and angry at the ‘Establishment’ - who unfortunately inhabit these Forums.

Erm … I took 12 Cadets flying at AEF the other day in the tutor if thats any help. All but two first time flyers - all really loved it & enjoyed the aerobatics. There was another wing who went up in the afternoon!

The OP raised a sensible question (This has changed - what does it mean to us) & got a sensible response (no change for military & government personal, General population remember to keep a look out) .

It has now gone, for lack of a better phrase, “Bat-Poo Crazy”. The history of the current political situation is irrelevant to this topic. If you would like the equivalent of the NAFFI bar on ARRSE then either go there or start something in File 13, not the (more heavily moderated) Execs Forum.

I will also assume that nobody currently debating in this thread is from Northern Ireland Wing whose threat level of Severe hasn’t changed in the last four years. It is only the threat from international terrorism that’s changed - the threat from domestic terror, state-sponsored insurrections, Organised Crime Groups, random looneys, air attacks, nuclear strike & invasion hasn’t.

The original question was answered by post four & the mods graciously (& sensibly) left the post open for future discussion.

So the next time a security question comes up, please please please can we avoid things descending into the tin-foil nuttery of “Come and see the violence inherent in the system!” and people wanting to shout “Help, help, I’m being repressed”!

There’s some lovely filth over here…

[quote=“romeo bravo” post=20716]So if you were walking through somewhere, say Central London, and saw something being placed by someone looking dodgy, you would do nothing, leave it for someone else to report or even worse let it blown up killing poeple would you…

As a member of the ACO, do you just leave things, not report things and walk around blind to your local surroundings. If you do, please don’t come anywhere near me. Bet you even leave the front door of your building open (or even the Armoury) so people can just walk in off the streets and look around at will.

Everyone has to be vigilant; that was the key back in the 70s and 80s, people would report what the saw. And it was put out to people in that way…[/quote]
You would need to have been watching someone pretty closely for sometime in the general hub bub of a town/city centre etc to come to any sort of decision that what they were doing or way they were acting was suspicious. A bag left on public transport or transport hub might raise some reaction, but in general people acting oddly is normal, IMO.

When I’m go out I’m focussed on what I need to do / get and don’t hang around anymore than I have to. I don’t frequent; public transport (I pay to have a car and use that), fast food gaffs, cafes (now my kids are grown up) and I’ve never felt the need to sit in one of the various coffee shops people watching and get ripped off for the privilege, plus I “switch off” if I am stuck in a public place. The only time I might people watch is if they what I regard as particularly easy on the eye, which excludes the typical group we may expect to perpetrate gender and ethnicity. So to that end I am hardly likely to observe anything anyone else does, unless it is annoying. I’ve walked passed my mum and dad in the past as I’ve just not seen them. So why being in the ATC should make me any different is a little beyond me. I tend to regard walking out of a room to take a phone call and fiddling on various personal devices in public places and at work as suspicious.

I don’t do anything differently now in terms of security arround the squadron etc in years. As yet walk arounds and door / window checks have proved uneventful. On every squadron I’ve been on the front door is open when we’re in … access proves a little difficult otherwise.