Why past tense? Are you not one anymore?
Regular now…
(not Flt Lt yet though, unfortunately!)
Come on, the growbag types have to have something to occupy themselves with!
The Japanese use a different rank insignia for reservists and cadets. This would solve the problem. I once saw at Cranwell when I was serving there a commissioned gentleman of the CCF persuasion wearing his rank on the epaulettes and round the sleeves of his No 2 jacket. He said he wasn’t sure what to do so his concience told him to put both on. In Australia by the way adult members of the Australian Air Force Cadets wear a white band below their rank insignia with the capital letters AAFC on in black. Perhaps a similar badge would work in England.
I got through three sets of gilts on my SAAI course, I notice that the CTT had the tabs with VRT was in black and below the tapes. To save money I bought these and the embroidered ones.
The badge police got me on a wing event so I put a gold embroidered one instead of the black. No problem all weekend.
The CTT are known for seeming to believe they are above the dress regulations. Believe them when they tell you about weapons skills but take anything else they stray into with a large pinch of salt.
Notice I didn’t ask them, I’m old and grumpy enough to push my own limits! At the cost of gilts I am prepared to argue my point. I also took a long time to remove my name from my CS95’s as my name tapes were the only thing I have left that was issued. See my photo, khaki KD wool shirt and '68 pattern trousers with dms soles & puttees.
I’ve got the sand-coloured VRT on my shiny new rank slides. I also bought a pair of slides with the gold embroidered VRT on as well, just for the sake of appearances.
Someone finally gave you that scraper ring did they?
Frightening, isn’t it?
When are you joining CTT?