RAFAC Training Resource Team

@anon59391077 My biggest grip Aviation Training Syllabus wise, is the 12 Senior/Master Air Cadet subjects not being the same approximate level of academic/technical maturity, but more importantly is that they all take different lengths of time to complete. This needs to be more standard, to make it easier for training officers to plan in against concurrent running lessons/activities.


@anon59391077 will there be resources for squadrons to help them actually get the BTECs, I know a few squadrons have no idea how to actually get them once a cadet is through the master syllabus, they spoke to other squadrons in their wing and nobody seemed to have a clue.

The tracker and all the information for this are on the Training Portal under External Qualifications.

The only new addition is that evidence (scans) of the cadets completed 1st Class Logbook needs be uploaded to the Cadets profile.

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Definitely agree with you - several of my staff and instructor cadets have complained about the format. Although I definitely agree the content is better.

Appreciate the in-depth reply! Good to hear - I fully agree with Senior and Master Air Cadet course, as you’ve said, I also encourage self-study for these modules which these courses are designed brilliant for. I echo the above that these are perfect for such a thing.

My frustrations mostly lye with the First Class cadet courses which in their current state are not friendly for instruction, and these are the courses we always teach in a instructor-led group. After all things like Map Reading, Expedition Training are heavily heavily supplemented by usually the same instructor with practical teaching as well. It would be the same with Leading Cadet courses for us being instructor-led… only Senior and M.A.C become group / self-study when we don’t have sufficient staff to teach them.

From your reply I appreciate now the time period they were originally made in / for, it was just frustrating to have this released as the ‘new content’ this year and it suddenly becomes the only proper option, had some colleagues real perplexed.
I will agree to disagree on the PowerPoint front - especially with PowerPoint online now usable RAFAC wide, PowerPoint is so widely used in the professional world these days and will continue to say that a consideration assessment should be made on the viability and usefulness of the new format vs PowerPoint. I see it in many companies when they ‘buy into’ a new system and feel they have to continue to use it compared to an old system that worked - but look forward to more presenter-friendly versions of the new system.

The Delivery Guides are okay but just a bit brief at times in giving you the answers and that’s it - I’m not sure if it’s asking too much documentation for something… but a PDF maybe, that is literally just a scrollable slide by slide of what is going to be on the screen. A compromise for presenter view that lets the instructor see what is “up ahead” (my limited HTML5 knowledge would tell me some sort of future slide view would be a hard thing to code!) - I think that combined with the Delivery Guide would be ace.
At the moment though support for a USB clicker or keyboard shortcuts would be greatly appreciated - part of that also is not having to wait constantly for the ability to go to click ‘Next’.

Thanks again for the time it’s probably taken to reply!

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Provided the ppt isn’t dreadfully designed, for instructor-led sessions the interactivity and immersiveness comes from the instructor first, then the content, never the formatting. A bang average ppt can be the visual anchor for a great lesson.

Look at public speaking - any VA for a good speaker is minimal words, simple images and animations (if any), short and poignant/thought-provoking/amusing videos, and the speaker being the interactive element holding the attention. Same is true for instructing.

An instructor doesn’t need multiple boxes to click through, each with a 50 word paragraph. Long text and busy screens don’t suit presented material.


It’s almost like you’ve done RAFAC Presentation Skills and gone on to get your MoI Lanyard :wink:


Totally agree. I would generally get the title of a slide up, maybe the first bullet point, then have an interactive discussion with the cadets - where often they would often self teach the points on the slide. Then reveal the slide to cover any points missed and recap discussion. I’m finding this isn’t possible with the new format, as you don’t know what’s coming up on the slide and have to be really quick to pause it before it reels off all the info. Also we have fairly old IT and a rubbish internet connection.
It would be great if there was some happy medium between the new and the old, for all subjects. We do teach all subjects to our cadets (and did through covid) - rarely let them self study - so would prefer an option to do that.
Thanks @anon59391077 for coming on here to explain it all - always nice to have an incite into the thinking and possible future path.


Yep! We are looking at doing those as a priority as lots of people have said they found them useful. :slight_smile:

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What we need i feel is this.
Per classificstion subject.

  1. Self taught module - i.e. new moodle style stuff like blue space.
  2. Matching inst led powerpoint version.
  3. Printable cdt work book option
  4. Elelectonic cdt workbook option
  5. Supporting ‘textbook’ in new style.

If we had all the above for each classification subject, we would be laughing! Would make life super simples.


5 different mediums… PER subject??? All of which will need updating and tweaking in response to change and amendments (which will happen!).

Too many simples just made a complicated!

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Why couldn’t cadets teach themselves via the instructor lead PowerPoint?
The two workbook options are the same. And print out the instructor powerpoint and there’s your textbook. Easy

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Please look at airframes. The old course was much better than the current iteration. The worst section is on manufacturing techniques. It’s set at way too high a level. It’s not useful information unless you enter manufacturing or design and certification. At level 2 this should be a general system design and construction.


Noted. It is something we are looking at so I’ll pass that feedback on! I’m all for things being simpler, as long as it meets the syllabus specification. You’ll see we’ve tried to do this with the radio and radar syllabus that should be out very soon. :slight_smile:

I could have a bash at producing a PPT from one of the course ISOs if it helps


Much needed, the old slides were painful to sit through.

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I have read all of your feedback and as part of the new Radio and Radar SMC course, one of my team members had produced an instructor version that will enable you to move through the course at your own pace, using the spacebar, forward arrow or a USB clicker. There are also peer-led versions that have voiceovers and a little more interactivity.

The subject as a whole is almost ready to be tested. If you want your squadron to take part in the trial, then please fill in this short form to get involved! :slight_smile:


My team has also now joined everyone else by getting a Twitter page! You can follow us via @RAFACTRT

The most recent Tweets can also be found on the Cadet Training Portal, on the Training Hub.

If you get rid of ulti(waste everyone’s time) learn then we will all nomjnate you in the new years honours lists ::smiley:


The Bader team are doing most of the hard work on putting the replacement system together, but my Team are responsible for the content that goes on it.

I am literally emailing the Bader Team now so they can make some changes to make it more user-friendly and easier for everyone, particularly at First Class level!

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