RAFAC Rank Abbreviation Glossary

Was it a post nominal for RAF and RN as it signified having completed the Officer training? Then we have just the hang-over from that from the RAFVR days

I believe so.

It was the status of the commission.

The British Army have the same, depending on cap badge, using “late X” once a general officer.

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Preach! That’s been one of my big gripes for years.

Was always my other big gripe, the post nominals should have been RAFVR not RAFVR(T), you don’t see aircrew signing emails RAF(Pilot) although I’m sure they would if they could.

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I think the (T) was always used to separate us from the RAFVR who were attested and therefore subject to rules and regs which VR(T) were not.
Interesting search on t’internet found this in response to a FOI request as to why VR(T) were not attested :

Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve (RAFVR) University Air Squadron (UAS) recruits
are attested, as they are enlisted as servicemen and then immediately re-mustered
with the status of Officer Cadet (Air Publication 3392 Vol 7).
RAFVR (Training Branch) (RAFVR(T)) are not attested because, this would then
give them the disciplinary power and authority over RAF Regulars and RAF
Reserves. There has never been a requirement for a uniformed volunteer who
delivers youth activity to hold disciplinary powers over Regular and Reserve
personnel. Furthermore, RAFVR(T) are not liable for deployment, so are therefore
not required to swear an allegiance to Queen and Country.


Observation for this one.

It is entirely possible that any reserve officer could climb the ladder and then apply for this FTRS post just as they could any other FTRS post.

Unless they have a prior interest in this or similar organisations, it may be less likely, but there are plenty of reservists working in the third sector or with prior cadet involvement who could be attracted to such a role.

The main drama is the severely limited opportunities to make it to gp capt, and then the decision to go FTRS and step away from PTVR roles (as well as leaving the civilian job).

For this same reason though, it’s entirely possible for any reserve officer to apply for one of the RC posts.


How do you know a pilot… etc

They’ll tell you!

They shouldn’t need to, now they can wear their wings in every form of [indoor] dress.


Surely they are the ones with all the charisma, charm and good looks…and ladies (or gents…must be pc these days!) swooning about them!