Out of curiosity, is there any abbreviation for Staff Cadet ranks? Like would a Staff Cadet Corporal be abbreviated to S/Cdt Cpl? or would it be abbreviated to SC Cpl?
One of my cadets mentioned this last week when we were revising the ranks and my mind went completely blank
Not convinced this is correct, I think there is a reference in ACP 20 but not in a position to check now.
In the old days the rank was WO(ATC), however the rank is now WO and if detailing the person on a nominal roll for example it would be WO J Bloggs RAFAC, in the same way as it is for officers.
Might have been the transition period when everyone went RAFAC, officers swapped the VRT at the end after the name, WO & SNCOs swapped the bit in brackets.
Having it all quietly become the same as a post nominal makes sense
It would make more sense to all have it in brackets after the rank and then have RAFVR as the post-nominal. This is exactly what SCC and RMC officers, WOs and SNCOs get and so there is a post-CFC precedent for it.