RAFAC Rank Abbreviation Glossary

When i was a cadet, if i called my Service Instructor QCS WO as staff my life would have left my body instantly


WO Aircrew is extant in AP1358C.
It was the case the MAcr was only worn by ex Regular or Regular MAcr, with WO CFAV Aircrew having WO Aircrew rank badges. It has not been formally clarified as to whether all CFAV Aircrew now wear MAcr now other WO wear Tate & Lyles.

How was I?

I said thanks for the screenshot, I acknowledged the help.

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I would just like to add that even HQ RAFAC can’t make up their mind about APO & A/Plt Off as my appointment letter from Pers uses A/Plt Off yet on BADER the rank is abbreviated to APO.

I think generally both are accepted to be correct in this instance - happy to be proven wrong though.


At the time the ranks on Bader was put on the the ATC had OCdts rather than A/PltOffs (a cadet uniform thing only) and the Sea cadets were using APO for their acting petty officer.

At the commission change point RAFAC took the opportunity to use acting Plt Off instead (as the rank designation was used in the UAS).

Meanwhile the Seacadets had reverted from APO to PPO, leaving an orphaned rank in Bader.

People then started to use APO on Bader rather than straight Plt Off & hence this is where we are.

Legally, of course, RAFAC (not ATC) Officer Cadets were actually commissioned as Pilot Officers, so the whole thing was a mess. Pilot Officers dressed up as Officer Cadets but with officer headdress. No wonder the regulars didn’t know what to make of it.

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And some regulars still graduate MIOT as (Acting) Pilot Officers, just to fully confuse the matter.

Under what circumstances does that happen?

IIRC Officer Cadets used to graduate as an Acting Plt Off or Fg Off depending if they were a graduate or not, but thought that was done away with years ago.

As I understand it :

  • Those in Eng or Aircrew branches will graduate from MIOT as Fg Off.

  • Those in any branch that have gained a University Bursary will graduate MIOT as Fg Off

  • Those on MIOT via the Commissioned WO route will graduate as Fg Off (or in some cases Flt Lt)

  • Those that are Direct Entry in to a ground branch but have a degree will graduate as Pilot Officer.

  • Those that are Direct Entry with no degree will be Acting Pilot Officer on graduation

  • SOITC (previously known as SERE) graduates vary from Fg Off to Group Captain.

(In some cases, those that are medically or otherwise held whilst on MIOT may graduate at a higher rank as seniority is gained whilst on MIOT)


Does that mean someone who’s back-termed for poor performance could also theoretically graduate as a Fg Off? Seems a bit counterintuitive to gain seniority when they’ve not made the grade.

These two are not NCOs.


One isn’t even a rank

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Unsure - I do know if someone (in the old IOT system), that was on a med hold for so long though that they graduated as a Flt Lt.

I think we know the same person.

Or a WO

To clear up the confusion here there is no graduate / non-graduate distinction anymore. All the info is contained in AP3392 (I think that’s the right number) Officers TCOS.

Pilot, WSOp, Eng and Ex rankers (SAC > FS) = Fg Off

All other ground branches = Plt Off

CWO = Flt Lt

SERE = Could be anything from Fg Off > Wg Cdr!

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Ps seniority starts from day of commission, when I was there we had someone repeat the course 3 times and still grad a Plt Off

That may be true for Direct Entrants, but a good number are commissioned whilst at university and so will gain seniority whilst on MIOT.

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I assume you mean WO not CWO ?!

I know one exWO very recently who graduated as a Fg Off (RAF Regiment)

They have a course just for Commissioned Warrant Officers - CWO

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