From the annanoncement:
Cadets are invited to use Minecraft in a competition to design their vision of an RAF Station of the future.
Gaming laptops will be awarded for the winner as well as their unit, with a runners-up prize also available for the second placed unit.
Entries will be judged on their focus on environmentally friendly initiatives, personnel welfare, overall design of the station and quality of a presentation highlighting their design features and the reasoning behind those features.
Teams or individuals should build their RAF station of the future using any published version of Minecraft in its original form, not using any custom modifications. Entries can be made either as a unit or as an individual. Where multiple cadets on the same unit wish to enter, a unit entry should be made, if only a single cadet on a unit wishes to participate, they may enter as an individual.
Once built, teams or individuals should create a presentation using a format of their choice (video, PowerPoint, PDF report etc) that lasts no more than 10 minutes. The presentation should highlight their design features and their reasoning behind those features.
Just seen the advert for the Minecraft Competition. As I was reading it sounded interesting but seems quite boring the more I read in the end IMO…
Design an RAF station with points given for being environmentally friendly…
The competition seems very shoehorned to be “down with the kids”. Why not get the Cadets to design a next generation aircraft or something a bit more flashy.
Not even a RAF base…
Maybe just a military installation of some kind? Submarine pens… Silo… Radar ground station…
You’re so limited with air forces bases. Cool, an office block and a runway…
Unless it’s High Wycombe and then it’s just office blocks.
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Scan the QR code or speak to unit staff. Unit staff will scan the QR code and tell you what it says
Bit unfair that if more than one cadet from a unit enters then you need to enter as a unit. So the unit will benefit from the flashy kit not an individual!
I wish I could make the IF bigger to further add emphasis.
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Gotta say, VRT memes is on point tonight.
Where is this VRT memes I keep hearing of?
I assume/hope this is being aimed towards the 13yr old junior cadets?
BRB: I’m gonna go ask my bosses kids wth Minecraft is
Got to admit, this should be aimed at younger cadets. But honestly, I’m not entirely sure who this is aimed at.
Minecraft came into being and is very popular with my age range of gamers when we were teens. Not sure how the demographics look now, but it’s, i think, more popular still with our age range. And we were hitting 30…
My friends’ boys are really into Minecraft, but they’re 8 and 10. Not sure how many 13-14 year olds will be interested.
To be fair, they’ve picked the right game, although 2 years ago would have been better timing. It is still popular as far as I know with newer gamers - online creators are still raking it in and it holds an attractiveness to younger people with a low barrier to entry and high creativity potential in an open world where the complexity and skill threshold grows with the player.
It does then endure somewhat as people grow older as something they can sink some time into occasionally in a relaxed manner.
And there’s a social aspect to online co-op.
Spoken like a cynical insider! While true as a minimalist description, I expect we’ll see underground hangars, launch pads, drones, renewable energy production, and all sorts of other features come up. And some of these too:
Assuming the advert is cast wide enough, I actually think there will be strong uptake among our neurodivergent cadets, possibly disproportionately.
I’m holding out for a Timesplitters Map Maker competition…
I think this is a really good idea. Yes we could have done it a couple of years ago, but Minecraft has appeal to quite a wide age range, it has the backing of educators and outfits like NASA and it’s suitable for individuals or teamwork.
Hopefully there’ll be plenty of entries!
Still better than that year they decided to do a road safety competition. Just.
I hope they prove me wrong 
Was more about your take on what an RAF station is than the competition 
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Have I missed something, has anything gone out to squadrons 
Announcement in SharePoint
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