I think best summarised as “badges being used” rather than “badges that have been authorised”
More importantly I think it will cut down your work in getting badges compliant in format so it becomes a matter of pure design rather than say the one use to be used by Mablethorpe Sqn
The incumbent has typically held that rank and so, as part of the policy refresh I’ve proposed tightening up the title a bit and have been told to use it as such.
I’ve made the case that it probably should remain at that level, with a lot of liaison (inc royal household), responsibility for policy, a lot of work, and representing HQ across the country.
But I’m thrilled to be doing it either way.
Not everyone cares about this stuff, but when they do it’s an opportunity to help deliver something both cadets and staff will value immensely, for generations. Well-worth dedicating time to. It’s a real privilege (and something a bit different).
By the way, if anyone is interested, I’m hoping I might be able to set up a small team (or at least get a couple of reps / advocates dotted around the country).
Even if I go like the clappers and burn the midnight oil, some units on the list could be waiting a while.
If I can develop a couple of people and guide them through the process, I could really hammer through the backlog.
I wonder where they grab them from, or if they just stopped at a certain point. There’s a mix of badges I know are both official and not*, but there are plenty that I know are missing - both official and not.
*Nailsea for instance I’m sure is legit, Fakenham looks like it could be. Whereas Trent Wing’s looks like something out of Austin Powers and there are plenty of other examples where the white border has not been maintained in the centre.
As for carrot and stick, HQAC should have sufficient influence over regions to encourage them to engage and change where required, and once that’s done regions should hold enough sway to get wings to follow suit. In my experience, there’s something about Wing Commanders that make them more reluctant to pick a fight over less consequential matters.
That’s where I would consider starting the main effort - get our new commandant to provide an initial push to regions as part of the wider transformation of the organisation, they can then cascade to get wings to toe the same line once they are leading by example. Although it’s not a priority for the organisation, beyond issuing the instruction to RHQs, that should be all of the effort needed.
Squadrons is where that will most likely fall down and meet resistance. But I don’t think it’s a lot of carrot required for the majority…
Early and/or regular noise around the subject could be key. One option is to get HQ Media to run a campaign(s) only involving units with officially sanctioned badges. The units with badges get marketing in return for a “sqn bio” that includes a statement about the design of their badge and what it means to them to have it officially recognised. 6-12 months later or each time a new squadron gets their artwork, they or a group get their time in the limelight. I’m sure Wing MCOs would gladly jump on the chance to share the news each time, which increases visibility to other squadrons.
Through a combination of WoM, FOMO, and cultural pressure, more and more will be persuaded - some or maybe many may simply see the positives and want it, others won’t want to be the odd one out among an influx of attractive, meaningful, and professionally hand painted badges, and those that still dig their heels won’t be around forever, their replacements possibly looking for a way to create a legacy early. Many possibly don’t even know about the option currently.
In amongst that, you can intersperse soft messaging from Wg MCOs signposting and highlighting quoted benefits from advocate squadrons, and sowing the seeds of future uncertainty (x% of squadrons have done it with y in the pipeline… there’s a big push at the moment to get badges authorised so although not on the agenda right now it could only take a critical mass or change in commandant for all unofficial badges to be outright banned… if we get to a point where 75% or even just the majority are legit then it’s easier to impose… better to get in now before price goes up/grant funding (if ever available) ends where you can control any financial exposure than get the command right after a large purchase of branded merch… etc).
exactly this - without some form of “penalty” for using something that isn’t allowed, what incentive is there for Squadron to “rebrand”?
Having been in four wings i have seen my fair share of Sqn Badges and known examples which don’t comply, and the Squadron knew it doesn’t but had no desire to change it…
is that in part not down to cost though?
if they don’t want to get an “official” badge, which costs £650+ they are not going to be looking to pay the same again (or more) to put it on a fresh new Sqn Banner?
but, and this isn’t a dig as you (particularly as you’ve been in the role 5 minutes) what is the penalty? There are many of these gash badges that have been around for 20 years with no negative consequences and all the positives of “brand identity”
to a degree i think you’re fighting a losing battle as if the Org (you?) decides now to clamp down on those that don’t comply it is bolting the stable door after the horse has bolted, run out of sight, lived a happy life, visited the local glue factory and used in a primary school crafting project
but fair play for taking it on - there really needs to be better control and consistency across the board - if not a losing battle it is certainly an uphill struggle to get everyone on board
agreed, if units have got away with it for the last 20 years why the sudden change? it is hardly a top priority goal of the new CAC on this “first 12 months to-do-list” and as indicated without a serious penalty units have been allowed to carry on regardless
I get what you’re saying, but what’s the penalty for wearing your tie around your face?
Or marching incorrectly?
There are no penalties, beyond perhaps some light ridicule and a quiet word. We’d recognise that as enough to get inline though.
I’ll be honest, I would very much like to formally ban all unauthorised motifs. It confuses policy to provide guidance for such things and it compounds issues over time, with units investing emotional and financial capital into something we know isn’t acceptable, but many of us lack the will to be firm about.
I think this form of identity really does matter (as evidenced by all the units that partake officially or not), and so we owe it to our people to get it right and maintain military standards — because that’s the privilege we’re allowed to enjoy here.
It is of course a massive slap in the chops for a unit that does it properly if they feel they’ve gained nothing over a unit that isn’t doing things properly (and in all likelihood, very very wrong).
As an “owner” of an official badge (although one that apparently shouldn’t have been allowed as it was directly taken from the defunct RAF squadron that that we share a number with, but the college of arms allowed it so I’m not sure where we stand), you are trying to apply control to an uncontrollable system.
We did it to tie us more closely to the parent service and because, frankly, we had the money. We did it a while ago, over 10 years possibly 15 and were one of the first. The incentive was because the OC at the time thought it was worth it, no more than that. It looks pretty, and is nice to have, but has not benefitted us really.
I would much rather the organisation spent its resources fixing actual problems than chase this which i think is a lost cause. You might be passionate, but not everyone is and i worry you will burn yourself out weeing into the wind.
while it is not well known, it is no secret that there are rules about what a badge should look like. those who ignore it do so for their own reasons, be this laziness, ease, personal desire, perhaps ignorance of the rules, or whatever it is
Take a look at 1228 Maplethorpe that looks so gash - they are effectively “wearing a tie around their face” and “tick tocking when they march” in terms of Squadron badge - it looks gash, to those in the know it leaves a poor impression of the unit - but if they cared they’d not have designed it, and if they still cared they’d have stopped…
is this the “penalty” - if so what form will it take? a strongly worded email from HQAC?
i would suggest if the “powers that be who allow things” have allowed it - you’re legit.
this - and put better than i have above (bolting the stable door…)
Until there is a real penalty i cannot see what is in it for those who have either bad, or simply unapproved badges.
short of stopping all flying allocations, or camp spaces or similar kind of “real impact” influence to those units i can’t see where the incentive is for units.
if there is a program in place for Squadrons to get an approved badge, either from scratch, or using an existing one which had no/minimum cost and had a design team in place to do the art work, and was a scheme that worked it way around the ~900 units over the next 3-4 years then great and it would be foolish for Squadrons not to get on board.
but i doubt anyone has the finances or resource to make that happen
Can’t agree more. How does this help cadets in line with our founding charter? It doesn’t and I respectfully suggest OP has better things to be getting on with (see also: The inclusive remembrance thread). I get the impression OP becomes hyper fixated on certain issues and is highly passionate - great! But selection and maintenance of the aim is a principle of war for a reason. Pick your battles
Would you be willing to share proof of that with me? It may help me understand another avenue for supporting units in a similar position (privately is fine and I promise not to out you!)
I’ve said this before about other things more generally, but it applies here. We can do more than just what is needed. If @OC.1324 is passionate about heraldic stuff, this role makes sense. It’s not like he’s a computer programmer and instead should be helping fix all the Bader issues. Someone spending their time on one thing doesn’t mean other things aren’t getting done.
The primary aim here is to give help to those Sqns who want to get a proper badge sorted, and there has been no support for this in the last couple of years. @OC.1324 clearly knows a fair bit about the process and wants to help others with it.
Also also to add to this, I know that previously the media team, specifically the dep OC, was dealing with most of the badge related stuff. If @OC.1324 can take on some of that workload it gives the media team more time to focus on things like internal comms!