RAFAC civilian endorsed PPL

Does it have to be with Tayside Dundee in a Grob Heron? Tayside Aviation also operates out of Fife Airport with different aircraft. What about a PPL from Tayside Aviation, qualifying on a Cessna 172 or Piper Warrior?

A first solo is a significant achievement for any young person; however, completing the entire syllabus with a CAA club and qualifying as a PPL(A) is a much bigger achievement.


Dont you try and confuse us with sensible logic like that!


Yes totally, just wish that maybe you could (for a fee - £100?) request CFS come to your local flying school and inspect it as Fife is still in Scotland and little to use to anyone down south.


Especially given some of the premier flying schools are/were based on the south coast.

However, it would be a more than £100 task. I can imagine it would involve:

Audit matienance of the
Audit of the maintenance crew and the company they work for if contractes
Audit of the flying school themselves and their infra
Then we get on to the actual flying stuff…id expect CFS want to see each instructor teach each lesson both in the air and the on ground.

Its a couple of weeks worth of work, if not more

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Yep, we know (its one of my/our frequent gripes on here :rofl:)

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When i did my FS in 2007 i had the choice of Heron or C172.

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So in most of that are the CAA are not good enough for the task?


What if the CAA introduced some kind of ‘premium member scheme’, and getting a ppl from that would warrant gold wings. This way the CFS would (probably) be happy and it would attract civilian customers too?

Or just allow any ppl!

The CAA are a regulator, therefore have no need for a ‘premium’ scheme unless it was to make money.


Then gold wings should just be for any ppl. Good point.

Or it could be done like a grading system (CQC, OFSTED etc) and gold wings are for outstanding providers?

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Im not saying that…im saying that would be what would probably happen.

Ultimately, some chump somewhere has decided (or made a decision that means) that this particular aviation themed organisation won’t award its highest recognition of flying for the highest level of flying typically achievable by our demographic.


Why would it need all that?

Thats all already done by the CAA.

just a call to the caa should suffice.

Or better yet. Just a check of the caa website showing tegiatered training orgs with the caa.

No raf or rafac audit needed.

We MUST get out of this mindset.


Someone with shares in Tayside…
Thats all.

Prob got a free ppl for themselves by agreeing to this nonsense.

Its corruption, stupidity and nepotism all rolled into a flavour called HQAC.

How many of the CFS actually hold civil licences and ratings to enable the inspection to have any validity with regard to the civilian provider?


Well we can’t say that much with any certainty.

Use google…

But here you go.

You mean its worse…?:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


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Have skim read it but I don’t see RAF/CFS as an organisation.

Thats because they operate under the MAA

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