RAFAC App - What do you do

Gonna go with absolute bumbling ineptitude for 5 points.


It’s not that important, they don’t need it they are just being idiots. (Some of them).

They need a hard copy. It is actually a rule as it’s a document that gets impounded in the event of an accident. All the VGS’s have made this clear to us too. The flying units are trying to be flexible where people haven’t followed instructions while the changes settle down so that cadets don’t lose out but the report is what is specified.

It’s a good time to remind everyone that they have to comply with the full military rules as well as the cadet ones and have all kinds of procedures to follow in the event of any incident. Far beyond normal RAFAC bits.

When you speak to the VGS’s and AEF’s they’re quite open that they don’t have wifi or mobile signal at a number of sites so are limited in what they can do. Our local VGS has two computers with wired internet access and they are both being used in the mornings for briefings etc - they are so remote they can’t get any more than this. They also don’t have the same SMS access as us as they were deemed ‘out of scope’ when SMS was designed.

To clarify, which documents do you believe you need a hard copy of?

661 VGS accept the aviation criteria report and an AvMed 1.
12 AEF accept the aviation criteria report and an AvMed 1.

If anything else is (genuinely) required by the MAA, these units are not compliant.

If you feel you need a hard copy of contact details, the contact details report for the event from SMS would provide that (and is one piece of paper rather than n that can be easily printed and brought by escorting staff without requiring parents to fill in / sign).

AEFs or VGS may not need TG21 or TG23s but as a unit we will always take one whenever we transport cadets to cover ourselves. There is no guarantee of access to SMS and not all CFAV have access to Med Records.

No need for a TG21 to achieve this - print the contact details report in advance.

TG23 forms are always required (ACTO 10 refers).

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This literally reads like…

I hate RAFAC admin, so im going to not follow process and just make more admin


Well, well, well. If it isn’t the consequences of my own actions… :rofl:


I think the allegory is that rather that just maintain your shoes, after each use you strip them back to polish them from scratch as simply adding a small bit bulling is “the lazy way” & you rather than do it right…

Do hardcopies of 3822a exist? Surely after they are scanned the hardcopy should be destroyed?


Given the question currently on VoP basically says there’s a work around for every instance of the MyRAFAC app’s operations, I feel I have to ask, what’s the point in it?

Obviously I’m not going to ask that on the page because it would go down about as well as diarrhea in a lift. But if you don’t actually need it for anything, do you need it at all?

Proof of Concept for replacement MOD 90

Except when that was mentioned in the MOD90 thread it got roundly ignored / ridiculed…

And still doesn’t explain why a cadet would need it.

It is quite confusing that the major benefit of the app is providing cadets with ID, yet when asked what we do when cadets can’t download the app the reply is “they don’t need ID”.


which is a valid answer - there hasn’t been a ID for Cadets in 75+ years which must indicate some form of a “lack of need”

but as @themajor indicates the RAFAC is being used as a guinea pig to trial what a digital ID would look like and how it would work prior to the commitment for the digital MOD90

I’ve downloaded the app to my phone so if we need to go anywhere & a cadet hasn’t got access they can login & log back out again.

Will be a faff but at least the cadets got something.

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Better than a fart in a spacesuit

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Quoting in here as seems more appropriate to the topic. I was speaking to someone who works for one the government tech department on the cyber sect side.

One of the big issues is that personal phones are insecure, Android especially. They are easily hacked & this can be done remotely.

This is why government ministers & officials are told not to take their personal phones abroad.

As such you could move to an ID that works on an app but in order to safe guard the information you would need to ensure that everyone is issued a secured phone for work. This will probably be more expensive than the plastic passes.

Vehicle passes could work electronically using an ANPR system but your still going to need people on the gates.


Absolutely. SIM cards out and VPN on as a minimum when I waß on SHADER.