RAF To retire Puma HC2 Helicopters

After 54 years of service, the Puma HC2’s have finally reached their time, to bid farewell to these retiring aircrafts, there will be a farewell flight from RAF Benson on Wednesday 26th and Thursday 27th.

The Puma HC2s were primarily used for troop transport, medevac, and logistic resupply.

These four bladed beasts are sadly saying goodbye, what are your opinions on this?
What helicopters do you think may replace them?


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First ever RAFAC flight was low level at night in central london in the back of a Puma. With full night vision. It was a incredible


Sounds like a blast, a shame they’re being retired.

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They are ancient tbf


Well, I guess so, but they’ve lasted over 5 decades in service so.

They were already old 20 years ago when I was flying around Iraq in RAF Merlins (which we thought were replacing them, but then they all went to the Navy instead).

The only surprise (or maybe I shouldn’t be surprised anymore) is we still don’t know much about the replacement before they’re retired.

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Yeah, any guesses for the replacement aircraft?

Due to Leonardo being the only bidder in the NMH programme, my money is on the AW149.

AW149s just don’t seem like a really great fit in my opinion, I mean they are more modern but they just don’t seem to like multi purpose unlike the Pumas, but they have been suggested by Leonardo.

I would also possibly look at the AW101, Introduced in 1999, yet still looks like it could be a good competition.

That’s the Merlin I mentioned earlier. The RAF used to operate them, but they were all transferred to the Navy (who still do).

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Sorry, yeah, but I’d think they’d be a better replacement, as they seem alot more applicable to the roles of the Pumas, such as medevac, troop transport, logistical, etc.

I’m still sad that Lockheed Martin withdrew from the NMH competition. Quite fancied the Black Hawk fleet gracing our skies more regularly…


Buy European is the new slogan I hope


I did get a little excited about the RAF using Blackhawks.

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Blackhawks have been considered before, for medivac purposes at the height of Op HERRICK: but inter-service rivalry about whether it belonged in the RAF or AAC led to the whole thing being dropped, apparently.

With the present geo-political situation, is it wise to lose helicopter lift capability??


Might be a lever we can pull with the US for them to supply something

Puma farewell flight

Not coming to south Wales sadly.

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Interim Puma Replacement

First helicopter ride was a 7 minute flight in a Puma on SPTA as a cadet… belt kit, weapon between my leg. Strapped in and doors open.

That pilot threw it around! Amazing experience.