RAF Club under threat

I’m going to sign up very soon. £5 a year for first five years after commissioning - so even if I only go a few times in the next few years that will be ok…

I’m going to take my mum for lunch on her birthday, she’ll be chuffed to bits!


Pro tip…

Go once before hand, ask concierge for a tour.
After tour, get lunch in the dining hall, followed by afternoon tea in Cowdry Lounge.
Have a look around everywhere in the club.

When you bring mum in, you can confidently say, ‘would you like a tour’ and then show her round yourself, followed by lunch and/or high tea.


@Paracetamol - excellent advise. Will certainly do that!

you get the same reduced rate for the 1st 5yrs of your commission as do regulars

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Any ideas if you need to have been through OIC to join?

Nope. Just show them your appointment letter

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A further email today from RAF club with news that they need help to plug finances.

What they have said is this…
“But you can still help by sponsoring unaccompanied stays by friends and family. £125 a night for a double room in Mayfair represents a substantial bargain even in these troubled times. Please do all you can on this front and when you visit try to make maximum use of the Club’s facilities, particularly the Dining Room.”

So if anyone who is not a member wants the chance to use or see the club. Ask anyone who is a member and we will ‘sponsor’ you access rights.

Ask around In your Wing and you will find someone who is a member.


God… Imagine if the finances become so disastrous that they have to open the doors to non-commissioned to keep the money coming in! :stuck_out_tongue:

I wouldn’t go out of principle of their snobbery

I wouldn’t go on account of the fact that I’m always almost broke and membership at the UJC is free.

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Good God - absolutely not! We can’t have you common or garden types running around in our hallowed halls causing havoc and mayhem! Muddy footprints on the tiles and breaking wind in the Cowdray Lounge!

It’s just not cricket, old boy!



Don’t worry, the chips in the bar wouldn’t be big enough for you anyway…

genuine question.

who is going to London? why do they think people will fancy a weekend in London?

i’m tempted ask why is the RAF - or any of the service clubs - in London?

does this whole set-up not hark back - or think its harking back - to some 50/60’s pastiche of young officers piling down into London on friday nights to hit the clubs for a weekend of getting hammered, dropping secrets in dead letter boxes for the KGB, and more getting hammered?

i wonder what they’d get for the building in Mayfair - and what that might buy in the Cotswolds, or Dorset, or Cairngorms or Yorkshire Dales?

I’ve stayed at the RAF club I am not an officer.

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Because it’s the Capital, and they’ve been there for just over 100 years.
I know that “tradition” is a much ridiculed word in the life of the RAF, but that’s why.


so, not that that’s were current RAF Officers want them to be, or will happily pay to go there then?

cool story bro.

Perhaps that part of the reason why they’re struggling for money…

But recall that the club isn’t ‘the RAF’.
It’s a London club whose membership is open to RAF Officers. Hence why it’s in London.
Certainly, the company might consider another branch elsewhere if they had the funds. They might even chose to move premises but that would be at the discretion and business sense of the Club.
What “current RAF Officers” who are not club members might think or prefer is entirely separate, and only of relevance to the club if they wish to attract those people to become members.

Burn 'im!!

Adopt the standard officer disguise?

Ralph Lauren Shirt with Beige Chinos?

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We’d soon spot you - you wouldn’t be wearing the mandatory cravat, old bean.

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