Radios-Safety for event

Hi all,
tommorow our sqn is helping out for the gala parade on the radios for safety, what do we do and how do i use a radio.

I suggest you speak to your Squadron staff as there may be specific procedures and training required for this activity.

When you are given the radio, ask “How should I use it”. You should be told every thing you need to know.

Remember the Basic Radio Training you got during your 1st Class training?

[color=#ff0000]SHOULD[/color] being the operative word…

Remember the Basic Radio Training you got during your 1st Class training?

[color=#ff0000]If indeed you even had any Basic Radio Training[/color]

[quote=“thetopcat69” post=9424]
[color=#ff0000]If indeed you even had any Basic Radio Training[/color][/quote]

So who signed up the 1st Class paperwork (assuming of course, cdtclarke IS 1st Class)?

[quote=“cygnus maximus” post=9433][quote=“thetopcat69” post=9424]
[color=#ff0000]If indeed you even had any Basic Radio Training[/color][/quote]

So who signed up the 1st Class paperwork (assuming of course, cdtclarke IS 1st Class)?[/quote]

The training officer who had no-one to teach it, so simply signed it off so that they could get them onto leading cadet syllabus? </cynical mode>

^^ Agreed! And I thought I was in cynical mode when I wrote my post!!

Doesn’t really help the Cadets problem…

It may be a little late but if you can gat access to bader you can have a look at ACP 44 & 45. If you can get on to Staffs with share point the WRCO has produced so excellent material

Things to consider:

  1. Are you using air cadet frequencies or PMR frequencies? PMR is not recommended but not banned.PMR must NOT be used as a safety radio Don’t use ACO call signs etc on PMR.

If you are using ACO frequencies you MUST adhere to ACP 44/45. YOu Sqn will have an allocated call sign -it will begin MR* **. You can add a suffix but try to avoid ALPHA , ZULU & XRAY - Alpha is for the control station i/c event, Zulu is i/c comms & Xray is First aid.

2.Think simple security - no personal details (name, phone numbers etc) No slang, swearing. Use veiled speech

  1. There are H&S risks with radios - a generic RA is available on Bader - Staff should have it in place prior to use

This by no means replaces the ACPs so you must consult them, or get a staff member to do it. they are out there. This is just a bare bones hint of what to consider

Probably not a problem anymore, it was over 2 months ago :wink:

but someone else might read it

Quick update… ACP44 Page 6-6 Para 32 (the first one!) says callsign suffix ‘X’ is only to be used by stations transmitting via Cadet ComNet (CCN). ‘F1/F2’ etc seem to be fairly common for First Aider callsign suffixes - that’s what we are now using :slight_smile:

Use a mobile phone. No problem.

I think that ended when I was a cadet…