Questions for a potential CI

Hey guys, when a member of the public gets in contact with you about joining the RAFAC, what type of things do you ask them as a starter for 10?

Why are they interested in volunteering?
What do they think the role consists of/expectations?
What do they know of the organisation?
Any relevant experience? - not useful straight away but useful to have.

This will give you a basic understanding of their motivation and their expectations of the role. E.g. if they are doing it because they want to learn to fly for example, you can manage their expectations.

Why do you want to join?! If they’ve been a cadet in the past or forces that’s probably why they are interested. I’m generally cautious about people wanting to join out of the blue until I’ve got to know them a bit more. Once you’re over that, everything Giggling Fish said.

I think what has been said covers it mainly.

Also might be useful to capture how they heard about you or chose your unit? Especially in some areas like Nottingham where there’s quite a few they could choose from, it identifies if they’ve done their homework.

Everyones forgot the most important question of all time…

Do you have D1 on your license?


Ask them what they want to get out of their time?

I had one who wasn’t sure, and just thought we needed a bus driver. I then explained what they can achieve. They then set their sights on some AT Quals, as it was an area they enjoyed outside of the organisation…nut also to bring the interest to the cadets.