Just imagine if ACC Fest was reborn and Vorders rocked up.
I’d much prefer Rachel Riley
Yeah ditto… Until she became a militant twittorer
Damn social media
Ok, please try not to turn every thread into a gawping contest now.
Lol pEp!
Carol’s actually rather good company - I will admit to being suprised but I came across her at a RAFAC dinner and she was good value.
CI for now, still cribbing for board for commission. Currently Sqn Adj, been TO, also general dogsbody and master of the Teams breakout rooms (oh the power!!!)
Pilot Officer. Adj, Training Officer, media officer (although, I have zero idea about social media) transport Officer etc etc.
You are Denise and I claim my £5
Flt Lt, all the bleeding jobs, inc cleaning the toilets.
CI, Adjutant, Thoroughly Good Egg
I was going to say!
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What is this!? Can we stop now please!?