Pros and Cons of the Drill Mutual?

I am a DTC(I) qualified cadet and an capable of teaching using the mutual, and was wondering how effective is it and are their any alterations that can be used to make it better for instruction of cadets. TIA


The Drill Mutual is very effective - it’s a tried and proven method. Somewhat more complex than what RAF DIs use, but it’s important to remember that the audience is younger, and therefore the instruction must be adjusted accordingly.

You don’t always have to use it. Tailor your lessons to your audience. Is it worth using it to teach the left turn at the halt if you’ve just used it to teach the right turn at the halt?

This all falls into the “humanity” aspect of Drill Instruction, and suiting your lessons to the needs of the squad.

“Taking you a step further in your foot drill I will now teach you (…) the reason this movement is taught is to allow you as an individual or body of personel …”

The TP/Drill Lesson Structure, it used to (sometimes still is) be called the Drill Mutual.

ohhh the Teaching Practice

I always take the intro as is up to

“Continue to look this way for a complete demonstration of the movement, calling and judging the timings”

from that point on I approach as a kinder face than is recommended by many DI’s

Primarily because the Cadets you are teaching are going to be a maximum of 7 years younger than you, but are often 1-2. These cadets closer in age won’t react well to you going full robot on them

take the lesson seriously, not yourself

Glad to know we’re being taught the up to date stuff atleast

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