Promotion to Flying Officer

Hi all,

Have been looking around on SharePoint with no joy, but what is the process for promotion from Pilot Officer to Flying Officer? Is it 2 years from Commission? i.e. Date of OASC completion, or date of passing OIC? What time frame (I heard 2 years but haven’t seen this anywhere?), and how does this happen? Is it automatic, is there some mail to my address, OC, Squadron etc?

Any thoughts appreciated!

It is 2 years… See AP1919, para 312a

I’m not sure if your OC will get a bit of paper through to sign off on it but that sort of thing seems to happen well in advance. Renewals certainly come through with about 6 months notice.

[quote=“GrimReaper” post=26265]Hi all,

Have been looking around on SharePoint with no joy, but what is the process for promotion from Pilot Officer to Flying Officer? Is it 2 years from Commission? i.e. Date of OASC completion, or date of passing OIC? What time frame (I heard 2 years but haven’t seen this anywhere?), and how does this happen? Is it automatic, is there some mail to my address, OC, Squadron etc?

Any thoughts appreciated![/quote]

Wing Commander has to sign it off about two years post-commission if they are satisfied with your development or words to that effect. (No idea how it works if you haven’t passed OIC in that time?)

There’s no formal process, it my wing the OC applies similar criteria to the process Sgts go through to get FS. So you need to have done so many activities, and a camp for example.

I was never told anything official, 2 years after my commissioning date I just promoted myself.

(That said I had been a Flt Lt 6 months before anyone told me and even that was the E1 so that sums up my wing!)

[quote=“daws@1159” post=26271]I was never told anything official, 2 years after my commissioning date I just promoted myself.

(That said I had been a Flt Lt 6 months before anyone told me and even that was the E1 so that sums up my wing!)[/quote]

You do know you have to wait to be gazetted?

[quote=“Baldrick” post=26272][quote=“daws@1159” post=26271]I was never told anything official, 2 years after my commissioning date I just promoted myself.

(That said I had been a Flt Lt 6 months before anyone told me and even that was the E1 so that sums up my wing!)[/quote]

You do know you have to wait to be gazetted?[/quote]

Load of rubbish. Once your appointment from HQAC is through, then you can be promoted. The “gazetted is the sanction” fallacy is a load of tosh and likely made up by someone 20 years ago as a wind-up. Gazetting is merely promulgation in the “official new” that an appointment has been made.

[quote=“Plt Off Prune” post=26275][quote=“Baldrick” post=26272][quote=“daws@1159” post=26271]I was never told anything official, 2 years after my commissioning date I just promoted myself.

(That said I had been a Flt Lt 6 months before anyone told me and even that was the E1 so that sums up my wing!)[/quote]

You do know you have to wait to be gazetted?[/quote]

Load of rubbish. Once your appointment from HQAC is through, then you can be promoted. The “gazetted is the sanction” fallacy is a load of tosh and likely made up by someone 20 years ago as a wind-up. Gazetting is merely promulgation in the “official new” that an appointment has been made.[/quote]

Quite, What I was getting at is that in either event, I don’t think you can just promote yourself after two years. It’s not automatic.

Nice… Don’t think I’ve ever being a Flying Officer (on paper of course I know we all are)

Enjoy it when it comes!

[quote=“Leeroy” post=26281]Nice… Don’t think I’ve ever being a Flying Officer (on paper of course I know we all are)

Enjoy it when it comes![/quote]

Search here using your service number

It says a lot about our organisation that you are more likely to learn of your promotion by reading the gazette than by being told by the chain of command.

Or in the case of my last promotion finding out by the Chief Clerk at Wing asking “Why your still signing as Fg Off when the regional commandant promoted you 6 months ago”

[quote=“daws@1159” post=26288]It says a lot about our organisation that you are more likely to learn of your promotion by reading the gazette than by being told by the chain of command.

Or in the case of my last promotion finding out by the Chief Clerk at Wing asking “Why your still signing as Fg Off when the regional commandant promoted you 6 months ago”[/quote]

The important thing is that at least Accounts know and backdate your pay properly.

I’ve had more issues with the taxman taking too much tax!

I feel your pain

[quote=“Baldrick” post=26289][quote=“daws@1159” post=26288]It says a lot about our organisation that you are more likely to learn of your promotion by reading the gazette than by being told by the chain of command.

Or in the case of my last promotion finding out by the Chief Clerk at Wing asking “Why your still signing as Fg Off when the regional commandant promoted you 6 months ago”[/quote]

The important thing is that at least Accounts know and backdate your pay properly.[/quote]

Don’t ever thing that happens, took them 18 months to catch up with my promotion; and then 3 months to recieve back pay!! Had to start chasing after 6 months…

[quote=“romeo bravo” post=26309][quote=“Baldrick” post=26289][quote=“daws@1159” post=26288]It says a lot about our organisation that you are more likely to learn of your promotion by reading the gazette than by being told by the chain of command.

Or in the case of my last promotion finding out by the Chief Clerk at Wing asking “Why your still signing as Fg Off when the regional commandant promoted you 6 months ago”[/quote]

The important thing is that at least Accounts know and backdate your pay properly.[/quote]

Don’t ever thing that happens, took them 18 months to catch up with my promotion; and then 3 months to recieve back pay!! Had to start chasing after 6 months…[/quote]

They were really good with mine, no chasing needed all backdated accurately. I suppose it depends how big the mountains of paper are that month!

If you’ve not done OIC then no promotion.

Something at least to be said for the CCF flat structure - Fg Off promotions come straight to the Contingent Commander then back via OC TEST. Never known one get held up, and I’ve done two in the last year - despite OC TEST post being gapped.