Promotion Criteria

If you were going to have a set criteria for promoting cadets and cadet NCOs, what would you have on it?

I’m interested to see what different squadrons look for, potentially before looking to create our own.

For example, do you have a set attendance percentage to stick to? Require them to have been on a camp? Been to x number of fundraiser/community events?

I know there’s a part of an ACP (I forget which - 20a maybe?) which talks about the responsibilities of a JNCO, but I don’t think that’s been updated for years and won’t cover day to day tasks that we each ask them to do.


I think they need to set a good example in everything they do, be smart with good, but not perfect, attendance (may have a good reason for not 100%), respectful, approachable and confident in the company of cadets and adult staff. I think it’s essential that they’ve been to a Camp as the juniors/new cadets often ask NCOs ‘what’s Camp like?’ and similar things; they should be able to tell them. My view has always been that you know what your NCOs should be like and your prospective NCOs should be exactly the same except they haven’t got stripes on their shoulders! They should stand out and metaphorically say ‘promote me’!

The CAC has set out the Corps promotion criteria in a recent letter sent out to all Sqns and Wg HQ’s. Apparently, this must be followed.

IIRC, it also said that there were to be no further - what amounts to - ‘checks and balances’ imposed by Wg’s or Sqn Cdr’s.

[quote=“Gunner” post=3271]The CAC has set out the Corps promotion criteria in a recent letter sent out to all Sqns and Wg HQ’s. Apparently, this must be followed.

IIRC, it also said that there were to be no further - what amounts to - ‘checks and balances’ imposed by Wg’s or Sqn Cdr’s.[/quote]

How recently?

If HQAC have done the usual and only emailed it to OC then we won’t be seeing it any time soon. Any chance you could direct me to a copy please?

Or post a copy here for us, I’ve not heard anything about that.

Now where did I leave that thread about internal comms in the ACO???

I’ll see if I can locate a copy and post on here.

P Letter 12-07


  1. Promotion of cadet NCOs. Sqn COs can promote cadets up to the rank of cadet flight sergeant. For promotion to cadet corporal, a cadet should ideally have attained Leading Cadet classification. For promotion to sergeant a cadet should have at least 3 months experience as a corporal and have attained Senior Cadet classification. These classification attainments may be reduced by one stage by the Sqn CO in exceptional cases such as an urgent need to fill an establishment vacancy or a deserving high quality but slow learning cadet.

I don’t think that’s what Gunner is thinking of though…?

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That’s the only thing i can think of that i’ve seen referring promotions. It wouldn’t make sense that ANOTHER instruction has been issued on the same subject in such a short space of time.

I’m struggling to find the reference. Nimrod is right - the above reference is the only one posted on sharepoint but there’s been something else where the CAC has literally said: ‘thou shalt not place unecessary obstacles in the way of cadet promotions’

I’ll continue to try to locate it.

I aint seen it…

But how about one of my criteria - some leadership ability/potential…?

ACTO 7 Annex A - NCO
Job Descriptions

ACP 40 - NCO Selection

Ironic when we say the almost polar opposite for adults.
I’ll just carry on as I have been for years, regardless of any edict. I’ve not got it that wrong in over 20 years in recommending/make promotions and doubt many who’ve done it that don’t feel any differently.
The biggest problem with a defined criteria, that I can see, is a tick box mentaility among cadets who think because they have complied, all they need to do is queue up.

No it wouldn’t make sense, but …

When it says up to Flight Sergeant, does that include Flight Sergeant, or does that still require a wing staff officer approval?


Up to and including.

I’ve always found it odd that OCs set up promotion boards or ask for promotion letters. What an utter waste of time.

As an OC one should know your cadets enough to make a decision. I always informally ask my staff (and cdt SNCOs about Cpls)for their views and go from there.

I can’t find the reference you are referring to.

The new cadet TORs (PI501) have removed the WSO check for FS and that now lies with the OC again. WSO needs to sign off on any staff cadet applications though.

[quote=“the fixer” post=3497]I’ve always found it odd that OCs set up promotion boards or ask for promotion letters. What an utter waste of time.

As an OC one should know your cadets enough to make a decision. I always informally ask my staff (and cdt SNCOs about Cpls)for their views and go from there.[/quote]

I agree with you on that

I have a set criteria that is published for all cadet promotions.

I am considering formalizing our “promotion boards” in a similar way that the forces operates and only promoting a couple of times a year after the staff have sat, discussed and agreed (or otherwise) on promotions. They are then made the following parade night to the successful cadets.

Do you not do that anyway, or do you as OC just promote who choose?

Would you mind sharing the criteria you’ve got?

We have done boards for FS posts in the past. Partly as a way of ensuring transparency, but actually I think it does help cadets in later life when going for interviews etc as some form of training for that.

I’m unsure if I’ll keep to boards or not.