Many thanks to all the ACO Sqns and Sections that assisted with the research and development phases of Project Pathfinder. I am delighted to report that all the brilliant input, advice and ideas we received from the ACO leaders and cadets, allowed us to put forward a compelling proposal to the Central Council of the Royal Air Forces Association (RAFA) on 16th February 2013 and they were so impressed they have agreed that a Youth Membership scheme can be launched later this year. B)
Whilst the overall aim of the Youth Membership scheme is to increase membership of the Association it will also encourage volunteering/support; promote youth development through an air-related environment; and increase awareness of RAFA and its role/purpose.
As a new Membership category, there will have to be a cost to the individual member as RAFA, being one of the key welfare charities supporting RAF personnel, veterans and their families, needs to run this new scheme as cost neutral. The initial annual subscription will be £10 per year.
Given the aims of the Youth Membership scheme and evidence from the Focus Groups, aviation-related experiences will form a major part of the benefits package. Consequently, we are looking to offer civilian flying awards and one-day mini gliding courses, which are easily accessible across the UK, in monthly prize draws. Generously, the Chief of the Air Staff’s office has also agreed to allocating 10 tickets to the RAF Engagement Day/Air Combat Power Week at Waddington; the Red Arrows have offered 10 Members a VIP Day with the Team; and the Officer Commanding of the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight has invited 10 Members for a VIP day including a Hangar Tour. BAE Systems Military Air and Information team has also kindly offered 10 Youth Members the opportunity for a VIP day at Warton which is expected to include a visit to the Typhoon assembly line and the Typhoon simulator.
Our current plan is to launch the scheme in August 2013 just ahead of the traditional Wings Appeal street collection period and Battle of Britain commemorations in September.
Thanks again to everyone for their support, enthusiasm and constructive input.
If anyone would like to know more ahead of the official publicity material being distributed, please send me a private message and I’ll do my best to answer your questions.