Project Athena & update to JSP440 - transport of weapons & ammo in private vehicles


Any one had any experience with the output from Project Athena - as we received the following within an email from our CoC today - but mainly a message from our Parent RAF Station Armoury Liaison SNCO:

“Project Athena is a data tagging/bar-coding system for weapons. The MOD Policy is that all rifles including No.8’s and 103 DP’s are to be tagged; this involves a private company fixing a metal tag/plate to each rifle”

Must be a good thing to audit weapons - after all the army can loose anything in Crewe!! :whistle: :whistle: :whistle:

Also “please see JSP 440 Chapter 4 Para 5 (attached) for the new policy regarding the transportation of weapons and ammunition in private vehicles.”

Just be mindful of security when you’re replying!

Some wings have been done already.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Good Point MattB - just wanted to know how big said attachment would be and if fitted in a sensible location.

After first taking my weapons over a year ago, our parent station is just about to start barcoding, with earliest estimate to have them back beginning of Dec. I’m not holding my breath though.

Ours have been done, though it seemed to take a couple of months to do.

are these the QR looking codes?

i’ve seen them on our L98A2s from the parent station since June…

That’s the ones, though it is actually a Data Matrix (or similar) type of coding.

Mine went away at the end of September, and are already being returned. I have arranged with my parent unit for them to back in my armoury by the end of this month.

The actual project was completed within 2 weeks on all of the weapons at the parent station, only excluding those that are currently out of area.

All seems very efficient to me…

All the weapons in my wing were collected, stamped and re-distributed ealier this year. Bit of a distruption to the shooting programme for a few months but hey ho!

WRT JSP 440 - It is probably not wise we discuss changes to this policy on here. But the OP is correct and the changes to regulations are good news.

Ours have been done, quite quickly actually only took a couple of weeks!

[quote=“Leeroy” post=21611]All the weapons in my wing were collected, stamped and re-distributed ealier this year. Bit of a distruption to the shooting programme for a few months but hey ho!

WRT JSP 440 - It is probably not wise we discuss changes to this policy on here. But the OP is correct and the changes to regulations are good news.[/quote]

especially as its an Official Sensitive document :slight_smile:

If only they’d give us access to it.
I was able to get the previous version from Battlebox, but now I’m on the scrounge once again.

[quote=“wokkaman” post=21635][quote=“Leeroy” post=21611]All the weapons in my wing were collected, stamped and re-distributed ealier this year. Bit of a distruption to the shooting programme for a few months but hey ho!

WRT JSP 440 - It is probably not wise we discuss changes to this policy on here. But the OP is correct and the changes to regulations are good news.[/quote]

especially as its an Official Sensitive document :)[/quote]

(That’s essentially the new flavour of RESTRICTED, for those of you who haven’t been keeping up with the new security classifications)

[quote=“MattB” post=21643]
(That’s essentially the new flavour of RESTRICTED, for those of you who haven’t been keeping up with the new security classifications)[/quote]

No it’s not. In fact there’s a poster in our office which says exaclty this, “Restricted doesn’t mean everything is now O-S”.

[quote=“Plt Off Prune” post=21649][quote=“MattB” post=21643]
(That’s essentially the new flavour of RESTRICTED, for those of you who haven’t been keeping up with the new security classifications)[/quote]
No it’s not. In fact there’s a poster in our office which says exactly this, “Restricted doesn’t mean everything is now O-S”.[/quote]

You seem to be ignoring the word “essentially” and although there is indeed not a direct mapping between the terms, Matt’s comment serves as a useful generalisation for those of us not involved in determining security classifications.
