Preparing to Return to F2F Activity... Again/Still

Actually, how long do English schools go on for? Up here summer starts within the week anyway so it’s a bit of a moot point.

@anon9987823 I’m not saying it’s right it’s something schools are preparing for so I’ve been told.

We have things at work, but we generally just ‘nod’ to the distancing.

As for in general yep and it’s been a show, since day 1. But they have to make a show or they can’t open. This will be us if things still exist.

I just wish I ran a sticky sign and tape company, I’d probably been able to retire by the end of this, especially if they change the distance.


Towards the end of July about 3 weeks before Scotland go back.

Fat lot of good to teachers who were going to do OIC in the school holidays, though.


Not like they could responsibly do anything else though is it?

Assessing potential RAFAC officers is hardly essential.


I know. Going to be on white tabs for a long time

They’re more what you call guidelines anyway.


2021 dates are on sharepoint now

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I see the govt have announced that all school years will return in September. So that means we will be virus free in all forms by the middle of August.

This government has more than enough time to cock that plan up.


I respectfully disagree. If schools can reopen to limited numbers with 2m distancing, so could ATF.

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It’ll be reduced to 1 meter, if not by the end of the day, then certainly by the end of the week…

And one meter distancing is really just observing personal space anyway…

I guess the issue there is the messing arrangements rather than ATF itself.

Sure, but the RAF hasn’t shut down so they must be messing.

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For essential training and operations. There is no definition of that that would cover the ATC.

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In England.

To what end? To assess glorified scout leaders?

Gathering people together in one place then dispersing them across the country doesn’t strike me as the best course of action.

Woah woah woah…

I’m ‘supreme commander Sqn forces’ I will have you know.



IBN 31 - 2020 : Social Distancing and Face Coverings in Passenger Carrying Vehicles

This is another classic case of an IBN to RAFAC based on a RAF IBN… I don’t think somehow that anyone has told the Logs MT SME that we have a F2F suspension… unless this doesn’t count as if all forward facing it’s face to back of head???

This will be useful/relevant guidance once we do return, but I suspect the Gov advice will have changed by then.

You lost me there somewhere…

When you’re sat in the minibus you’re not face to face. You sit with your face to the back of the head of the person in front

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