Preparing to Return to F2F Activity... Again/Still

And let’s not forget, we’ve not even got to actual Flu season yet to really mix things up!!


A friend has said that he has been asked to limit his activities outside of work until January next year.

Don’t forget no social distancing and no requirement to wear masks on school buses or taxis. Where as before we could only carry 2 in an 8 seater, 4 in a 16 seater and 10 on a 33. It’s now gone back to you can as many as you have a seats. So that’s all year groups mixing on transport.

I believe the Scouts will be announcing changes soon that mean young people don’t have to social distance from each other, but do from the adult volunteers.

Surely that’s only in conjunction with changes to the National youth guidance.

Tbe scouts are following the same guidance we are.

This is interesting .

Guidance is just that - guidance. It’s up to the organisation how they apply that guidance.

One of the letters to parents from a local school has said that students who come on school buses will be allocated a seat and only one seat used per pair and masks to be worn. I know this school has combinations of at least 8 coaches and double-deckers a day, so christ knows how they will work that.
I’ve spoken to people who have been on trains and buses in the last few weeks and they’ve said passenger numbers are really low, even through the busy times, compared to the period up to Mar 24, and masks are compulsory. They said people seem to be leaving at least a row of seats between them and everyone else.

Hi all, we’re all in the midst of preparing a return to F2F activities, and I was wondering what kind of parade night programmes you’ve all planned/done. I’m sure you can imagine it’s not the easiest thing planning activities with all of the restrictions in place so any suggestions are more than welcome!

(Also, I’m aware space is normally the biggest limiting factor. We’ve got a pretty large grass field; one classroom with max occupancy 7; and two classrooms with max occupancy 2 each)

With the key being to get outside as much as possible, I’ll be looking to run evening hikes, radio exercises, sports etc.

One such hike that I particularly like the idea of is a bubble of cadets meet at X location and have to get back to the pickup point but all they have are compasses. The bubble then joins a Teams call (or uses radio) to get directions from a group of virtual or remote cadets.
A explorer scout group did it not too long ago but with scouts from Switzerland directing scouts in Essex over a Zoom call.

Another activity that I’d like to do is making foam board chuck gliders as you can quite easily get the equipment to allow for each cadet to have their own glue gun and craft knife.


By the time we get back they will effectively be night hikes, currently sunset is around 19:50 and depending on the weather conditions the ambient daylight will vary. Even doing things outside will be hit and miss.

Face-to-Face activity is already authorised :wink: you can be doing these activities right now.

Yes as we make our way through September we are going to very quickly loose the light, but hey, I thought your motto was Venture Adventure, not Softly Safely while we have daylight . . .

Well I would be able to if all my kit wasn’t in a Squadron stores that I’m not allowed to access. I could have DofE Expeditions running by now if I was allowed in my stores.

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You are allowed to access Sqn stores etc, just gotta ask nicely first :wink: or be prepared to apologize . . .

Not in every wing.

We have been told in no uncertain terms that we will be suspended and dismissed if we enter our squadron building without asking and get caught, and that there wouldn’t be any circumstance in which we would be allowed with permission.

Am waiting this week to hear if the inspection has been completed and all is good for us to enter.

Glad to hear that a reasonable, flexible approach is being taken . . . in my region it’s subject to RC approval for staff to enter squadron buildings to collect kit.

We couldn’t enter our Sqn under darkness, covered in camo cream wearing greens if we wanted to…someone not of our Sqn had changed the main padlock and there is no way of climbing the spikey metal blades of “Climb me and you will die”

Just to note the main padlock was a passcode one and has been replaced with a chucky key lock

wow. I have no words.

Whereas our WC has said that - to paraphrase - if we happen to be walking by and if we happen to have our keys and, maybe, think we see a light on and want to double check… He’ll be ok with that.


Also had a similar response from my WC recently.

Out of curiosity is anyone on here back to conducting F2F activities or are many still waiting for building etc to be given the green light?