Preparing to Return to F2F Activity... Again/Still

Yes. Cautious cuddles are in. #safetyfirst

But not between staff and cadets #safetyfirst

And no masks required in secondary school classes. Wonder if this will apply to us as well.

Unlikely until they are removed from ‘social’ settings.

I’ve recently started a job in a school and TBH the kids have to be reminded to put masks on outside the classrooms and when they are “socialising” outdoors not a mask in sight and as for distancing no chance, But with 30 in a class it’s never going to happen. There is a nod to bubbles as each year has their own classrooms and science lab(s) (where I work) for specific years.
I was involved in mass testing for 2 weeks after Easter. Not one positive test among the 1300 pupils or member of staff.

Here we are small bubbles, masks and distancing,. Absolute nonsense.

With schools allowed overnight stays from Monday I wonder if that will pave the way for some camps for the cadets this summer?

First night back - feeling great!

Got a fair number of cadets who engaged well, good to see some other staff in person again.

(Also my first night in uniform)

Motivation is dripping back.


I’d hope not…

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First night back too last night.

After VPN’s dropped to just a few cadets we were bracing for the worst - but a fantastic turnout and cadets arrived that hadn’t done a single vpn!

Feeling hopeful!


With the way I’ve read the rules, I don’t see how this can be justified. Anyone?

Mahoosive building innit. Probably easy to separate 4 bubbles and keep them separate?

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Jealous of the facilities tbh…



We could all have 60 cadets returning with 100 on the books if we all had million pound Sqns!

Give it a few years until all squadrons are super squadrons and there are only 2-3 per wing


They’ve not kept separate though, they’re all parading together. That’s not on, if I’ve read the rules right.


This is where Sqn OC’s will read the rules to make it easier and more advantageous for their units.

It states there is no bubble size outside, but only the bubble size of 15 indoors.

So when the cadets are indoors they must be in their bubbles, but when they escape the fresh air it doesn’t matter who is where and with who.

But wouldn’t that completely negate the point of the bubbles, which is to keep people from mixing and potentially spreading the virus?

But this is what happens in schools; a vague nod to bubbles in classrooms and free for all during breaks outside and tbh inside as well.

But most Sqn’s will use the rules and make them work for them. Who’s to say they didn’t stay outside for all their activities?

Which again makes a mockery of keeping bubbles separate to prevent cross contamination.