Pre-Election Period

Tuned in just in time to see a copper getting bitten by Larry :joy: Now the wait for the exit polls! Then bed…

Yep, 3 scheduled items pending, one more to write up……

Yeap scheduled but did it for Monday, hopefully all good to go by then. Desperately missed not having social media

Our Wing MCO had told us the Pre Election Period ends tomorrow and we can post.

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Technically, it only ends then if there is a new government.

In the event of a hung parliament, it wouldn’t end until a new government had been agreed, which could take weeks.

Starmer goes to the Palace. ‘Can you form a government?’
‘Well, your Majesty, I do have a majority in the House…’

Any news on unpausing the posting pause?

Nothing seen. I would keep an eye on here and here for any updates.

@Wizzle I assume there will be something soon, right?..

Depends on your definition of government.

David Lammy representing us to the world isn’t what I would call government, but he needed a big job and better that than either of the other two!


North Scotland Wing have posted on social media, not sure if anything has been lifted (not seen anything?) or if it’s a scheduled post that was scheduled in hope and gone out? :thinking:

The wing may well have got permission, or given it’s an inter-wing activity, the region might have got permission too?

The Senior volunteer advisor has started posting again specifically mentioning he hasn’t been able to previously due to the election

Is this not a one in all in situation? Either we all can post or we all can’t post?

If comms are stopped due to pre-election period then surely HQAC should issue a ‘crack on’ notice, oh wait, it’s Friday and they’ll have knocked off at lunchtime :rofl:

If the Senior Volunteer Advisor has also started posting then I reckon we all crack on…


Which judging by the flurry of social media posts in the last hour has been what has happened :joy:

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No, it never was. It was always you can’t post unless you have permission from HQ. For us, it was

“Where not covered above, or where you think a pressing case requires exemption consideration, please email this to email. The HQ RAFAC Influence team will either make a local decision based on Air Media guidance or submit for a formal exception.”

So, for example, or WMCO has permission to post about our wing parade thing this weekend. But that permission is for the wing accounts only, and we’ve been explicitly told we can’t post until we’re told we’re allowed.

The whole thing is incredibly silly. But once again, lack of comms making things confusing. It’s not clear in the original comms that this pause is indefinite until we are told otherwise. Had I need seen the email from my WMCO, I’d have assumed the ban was lifted at midnight.

Announcement just gone out confirming we are allowed to go back to normal. Albeit it seems most already have :sweat_smile:

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Where is this notice?

Yes, its great seeing a wave of blue across the socials… finally.

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On sharepoint announcements.