Potential 'new' SOV (well, not really)

Impractical, but it would be lots of fun…(RAF WW2 Fordson Balloon Launcher)

On a related note: has any ATC squadron ever had it’s own balloon?? Hmm…


It’s something we seriously considered a few years ago. We had a CPL(B) who was considering joining as staff and we discussed (at length!) getting shares in a balloon so as to deliver our own AEF! Alas, CPL(B) turned out to be a wally and moved north prior to joining.

I often think of the potential it has though - both as a tool for delivering AEF (sort of!), publicity and fundraising.

[quote=“Batfink” post=3945]

I often think of the potential it has though - both as a tool for delivering AEF (sort of!), publicity and fundraising.[/quote]

Oh, it could be lots of (instructive) fun…and if it could be moved-up a couple of gears… :wink:
